Chapter 4: Wishing you well

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Alec is doing well with his treatment, so decides to take a visit to the shop. The foyer contains a well used fountain that is filled with pennies. Alec decides to throw one in, unaware that all of his wishes are about to come true.

"Remember that sometimes, not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck."

A few days later, Alec had been moved to his own room. The room opened out onto a little balcony where he could look down onto the front of the hospital. He had been spending some time there, taking in the sound of the wind-chimes that came from somewhere he couldn't figure out, and playing with the Rubik's cube that Jace had given him. He had often enjoyed sitting just outside the door, taking comfort in his own company, where he could be alone with his thoughts. It was a quiet afternoon and not much had been happening. One of the nurses would come in now and again but other than that, he had been on his own for most of the day. Maryse had gone home to sort out a few things with Robert and all of his siblings were in school. They had said that they would be by later.

There was a knock on the door which opened out onto the balcony. He turned around to see who it was. On the balcony was a little table with two chairs and his nurse walked over to sit opposite him.

"Hey, poppet. Do you mind if I take some blood from you?"

Alec unbuttoned the top of his shirt, displaying his port. The nurse unpeeled the thin film that had been placed over it. They always put numbing cream over it, about a half hour before they took any blood samples. She wiped the cream away and Alec turned his head. He was fine with having it taken, but it didn't mean he liked to watch it.

After she finished, she unhooked Alec's IV line which was giving him fluids from a drip. The cycle had finished so she unhooked it from the cannula in his hand. She covered the cannula over with a bandage as she checked over Alec's NG tube. She went quiet for a second and Alec looked up at her.

She spoke softly. There was an art in telling young patient's things that they didn't want to hear. "I'm really sorry, sweetheart, but it's blocked. We could try and flush it, but it would probably happen again..."

Alec put his hand to his face and sighed. The nurse was probably expecting hysterics, but Alec just nodded, knowing that it would have to be changed. He'd had it before, so he knew what to expect now. The nurse left the room for a minute and returned with another kit. "You ready?"

Alec winced slightly as he peeled the tape from the side of his face. "Can I pull it out?"

The nurse instructed him on how to wash his hands properly. He walked inside and sat on the edge of the bed. With two hands, he started guiding the tube from his nose. The nurse spoke softly as he did it. "The last bit is the worst part, okay? But if you do it quickly, it will be over with."

Alec gagged slightly as the tube came free. The last second felt like needing the worst sneeze he'd ever had. He'd thought that that tube would never stop coming. He put the tube into the dish that the nurse held out and put his hand up as she prepared the other one.

"Can I ask a massive favour?"

"Sure, sweetheart. What is it?"

"I'm feeling okay today. Would I be able to go to the shop on my own? Just for a little bit and I'll come straight back. It's Max's birthday tomorrow and the shop has cards and balloons. I wanted to get him one of each for when he visits later."

The nurse nodded but only agreed if Alec let her wheel him to the lift. It wasn't ideal, but Alec would take what he could get. Everything on the ward looked the same and he'd already worked out about 10 times how many ceiling panels were above him. Six panels by eight. Forty eight panels. He needed to get out and see something different. Even if it was only for a few minutes.

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