Chapter 22: House Husbands: Part 2

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Recently discharged from hospital, Alec is planning to spend a quiet weekend alone. It's only when the phone rings that plans are changed and he has an unexpected visitor.

"Dinner is better when we cook it together."


Just adding a NSFW warning and an expression that any pizza opinions from this chapter, pineapple or otherwise may or may not reflect my individual views.

It was just about evening by the time Alec walked into the house and chucked his keys onto the kitchen table. Magnus walked behind, carrying two of the bags and blubbering as he went.

"Magnus, we're just leaving her for two days. Not even that. Just tomorrow and then on Monday afternoon, we can go get her!"

Magnus set the bags down.

"But she's so little. What if she doesn't understand? Her Dada and Papa keep showing up and then we have to leave her there! What if she thinks we've abandoned her?!"

Alec pulled a bag from him and set it on the table. He walked over to the sink and ran his hands under the tap.

"Magnus! She's fine! She knows we love her and that we're coming back for her. Let's just get food sorted. It'll distract you."

Magnus pouted.

"Fineee. I'm going to put my pyjamas on."

Alec nodded as he dried his hands and pulled out a chopping board.

"Your bag is in my room. I hung your robe on the back of my door. I'll get started and we can put most of the stuff away later. I'll pull the ice cream out and put the meat in the fridge"

Magnus chuckled, feeling slightly confused.

"...Why did you pull my robe out of my bag?"

Alec blushed and turned around to face the stove.

"You left your bag open when you changed your shoes. I thought it would look cute hanging next to mine on the door."

By the time Alec had put the ice cream and meat away, and had gotten the water boiling on the stove, Magnus' footsteps could be heard pattering down the stairs. Considering how much he had gone on about cooking, he didn't actually seem that interested in helping out with it. Alec felt Magnus' chin rest on his shoulder. Magnus' voice purred in his ear, tickling Alec's ear with his breath.

"What if I told you that I had absolutely nothing on under this robe?"

Alec carried on looking ahead, as if fascinated by the boiling water that had yet to have any pasta put in it. Alec's voice croaked slightly.

"I would say that you're trying to get another score on whatever twisted chart you have by initiating something and making me cave."

Alec felt Magnus' cat-like grin over his shoulder. He heard the sound of paper and Magnus held up a roughly drawn tally chart with an 'A' on one side and an 'M' on the other. There were two strokes under Magnus' name and Alec's side was blank. Alec grinned as he tried to snatch it, presumably to put it in the pot on the stove. Magnus ran away with it and Alec chased him around the kitchen table.

Alec reached for it again and Magnus gracefully slid on the kitchen tiles. Apparently his theatre group had done wonders for his manoeuvrability. Alec laughed.

"Oh you are SO dead! Give it here!"

Magnus tried to run past him and Alec caught his waist with one arm. Alec finally snatched the paper from his hand and held it high enough so that Magnus couldn't grab it. Magnus jumped up and laughed as Alec held it over his head.

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