Chapter 12: Greenhouse

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Alec exhibits some strange new symptoms.

"We get high on all sorts of drugs, when all we need is love."


This is a bit of a filler chapter. As requested, Alec is back and on top form. I wanted to put in a bit of a funny chapter to lighten this fic up a bit <3

Magnus stared out the window as the car moved. His father was driving him today.

"Are you going to be back for tea?"

Magnus nodded. "I want to. Visiting time is stricter on Sundays so they won't let me stay too late. I thought I would cook for us. I haven't done that in a while. I thought maybe when Alec is better that I would try and cook something for us to eat together. I'll have to get some practice."

Asmodeus nodded as he pulled the car in. Magnus still had his principal of walking up to the hospital. "Ring later and I'll come and pick you up."

Magnus opened the car door and jumped out. "Thank you, Father. I'll see you later."

He shut the door and waved as Asmodeus pulled the car out.

Magnus pulled the strap on his backpack and tossed it over his shoulder. It was always playing up because of the weight of his school books. He had school tomorrow and was not looking forward to it. He also knew that Max and Izzy were going to school, so he was going to try and text Izzy through the day.

He walked through the hospital entrance and a woman was holding a donation tin for a local children's charity. He reached into his bag and brought out several pieces of change. The woman smiled gratefully and then looked in shock as Magnus dropped some of the coins on the floor. Magnus rushed to pick them up.

"Sorry! I'm so clumsy!" He didn't feel like going into his cancer-tastic history with a stranger.

He put the coins into the woman's tin. She smiled. "Oh, that's no problem. Thank you very much."

Magnus continued on his way. Nothing was going to ruin his mood today. Izzy was at home but had texted to say that Alec was up and talking, and that he had a bit of an appetite today. Magnus was practically skipping as he reached the foyer. He'd been told off about 10 times for buying Alec flowers because of 'infection control'. That didn't mean he couldn't get him something else.

He went into the shop and scanned the wall. The woman who ran the shop waved from behind the till.

She smiled. "It's nice to see you. I haven't in a while. Have you stopped coming in on Thursdays?" Magnus grabbed a pack of Oreos from the bottom shelf. He tossed them in the air before catching them again and setting them down by the till.

"Oh, I know! I've been visiting my boyfriend each day. I promised him that I'd go to his first group session with him, when he was better, so I haven't been lately. I want my next one to be with him."

The woman scanned the Oreos as Magnus looked around the shop. Alec couldn't really have any gifts other than food at the moment because his risk of infection was so high. Magnus had bought a few things for when Alec was better. He'd still be in hospital for a while, even after coming out of isolation. Magnus knew that things such as drips took a long time to run through. Alec would need things to do. Magnus had gathered together quite a hamper. He was considering getting a teddy that he'd seen at the mall to go in it but didn't know if that was Alec's kind of thing. So far he had: fuzzy socks, a few different snacks, an adult colouring book about birds; with coloured pencils, and several novels.

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