Chapter 8: By my brother's side

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Tensions are running high as everyone races to find Alec a bone marrow donor.

"Being sister and brother means being there for each other."

Izzy opened her eyes and tried to get her bearings in the early morning light. They had got back late the night before and she had apparently fallen asleep in the chair in Jace's room. She stood up with a start, still wearing the clothes she had come home in. She blinked and rubbed her eyes as she glanced around. It must have nearly been midday, not morning. Jace was not a morning, or midday, person and was curled up in his bed, his blanket over his head. His head was twitching back and forth, and he was mumbling under his breath. His hand was stuck out from under his blanket, gripping his pillow as his fingers clenched and unclenched rapidly. Izzy walked over and shook his shoulder. Alec had been in isolation for a week tomorrow and even though he was trying to hide it, Jace was taking it hard. He'd been having bad dreams but wouldn't tell anyone what they were about.

They all knew that it was going to be tough, and that Alec was very sick, but every day that their father went to the hospital, whether he came back with their mom or not, Izzy and Jace noticed that he had an increasingly sad look in his eyes when he stepped through the door. It absolutely broke her heart that her blood hadn't been a match for Alec's and she knew that he was getting worse each day. Today was Thursday which usually would have meant school, but her and Jace had hardly been there all week. It was easier for Max to keep to his routine, as he was younger and didn't know as much as they did, but the school and their parents had become very relaxed with both her and Jace's behaviour. She hated it.

"Jace? Psst, Jace. Wake up!"

Jace shot up, throwing his blanket off his head. "What is it?! What's happened?!"

Izzy threw her arms around her brother, pressing the side of her head against his. "Nothing. I think you were having a nightmare." Jace wasn't listening, running his hands through his messy hair. Izzy climbed over him and sat between him and the wall. She wrapped her arms around his waist and rested her chin by his head. She hummed softly and Jace relaxed into her arms, feeling the vibrations between his neck and his shoulder. They had been told in their counselling sessions that it was important that they knew they were there for each other. They had discussed methods of calming each other down, with the help of their counsellor. They had figured out that Izzy preferred distractions when she was panicking. Jace responded better to touch and soothing words.

She spoke softly. "It was just a dream, Jace. They can't hurt you."

Jace wiped his eyes with his hand. "I'm okay. I'm sorry. Just- give me a second to get my breath. I'm sorry. My blanket got stuck around my head and I panicked."

Izzy sat back and turned Jace's head to look at her. She wiped her thumb over his cheek. "Don't you dare apologise for anything. You've been to hell and back, Jace. We all have. I love you, Jace. I'm here for you. We all are."

There was a knock on the door and Max stuck his head in. "Guys! Guess what?!" Jace and Izzy shot up. "Mom just rang and Dad said that I can have the day off school!! Get dressed so we can go and see Alec."


Magnus sat down and took a bite from his sandwich. He set it back into the box and snapped it shut. He really didn't feel like eating. He looked around before reaching into his bag. He wasn't supposed to have his phone out, daring anyone to tell him to put it away. To see the look on their face when he got to say that he had a critically ill boyfriend who he hadn't seen in three days and that he was going out of his mind with worry. He reached into his bag and brought out a pack of tissues, wiping first his eyes and then his nose. He felt awful. He'd woken up with a cold, two days ago, and would not risk seeing Alec and making him worse, unless he absolutely had to go. Even seeing him through the glass worried him. A cold would be the absolute worst possible thing for Alec now. Alec had been too ill the past few days anyway and was on strict bed rest so hadn't really wanted many visitors. Him and Magnus had texted a few times, but the replies didn't always make sense.

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