Chapter 27: I fought the world for your hand.

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It all comes down to this. Alec is living in a nightmare, Magnus is in surgery and everything has changed in just a few short hours. New and old loved ones are reunited in their efforts to come together and get him through it.


Here we go! The chapter I have been planning since the start. I have absolutely loved writing this one so I hope you enjoy it. Thank you so much for your kind words both here and on Twitter during this. This is for you guys <3

3:25 PM

As Alec stepped out from the hospital entrance, so much had changed. Only that morning had he been racing in the very same door with Magnus draped in his arms. Now Magnus was having emergency brain surgery and was potentially facing yet another life changing diagnosis.

Alec stepped out, shielding his eyes and he turned to remind Magnus to put his sunglasses on. Alec kicked at a stone by the door and cursed himself as he continued walking. He rubbed his aching eyes. Everyone around him was just carrying on, unknowing about how their lives had changed in just the past few hours.

Robert was pulled up in the car park, leaning with his back against the car door. He held his hand up to Alec, showing him where he was. Alec's miserable stroll turned into a brisk walk. By the time Robert had stood up straight, Alec was barrelling towards him with tears down his face. Robert rushed forward and Alec clasped his waist, nearly knocking him down. Like his younger brother, Alec wasn't one for casual affection, with anyone except Magnus anyway.

Robert hugged his son tightly, holding him up. Alec's family loved him with everything they had and had been absolutely broken when they had found out about his leukaemia diagnosis. Robert knew the pain of finding out a loved one was ill and never wish it upon anyone. They'd known Magnus' history and he had hoped that Alec would never be on the receiving end of it; yet here he was, his shoulders shaking as he sobbed, and Robert holding him up.

Robert spoke softly with great empathy in his voice.

"Shhh. Shhh. It's okay. It's okay. I'm here. I'm here. Dad's got you."

Alec gasped as he clutched at Robert's shirt. He hated crying in front of anyone, but it had taken was a familiar pair of arms to break down the walls he had put up.

Alec sniffled and his breathing caught as he tried to force every word out.

"D-D- Dad. I'm- I'm sorry."

Alec let go and Robert brushed his face, kissing his forehead. Several people walked past, taking in the sight of the boy crying in his pyjamas. Many would still assume from this thin frame and short hair that Alec was the one who had received the diagnosis.

"Don't you apologise for anything, okay?" Alec nodded and sniffled, wiping his face with his sleeve. "Alec, it's okay. I'd be far more concerned if you weren't upset... Tell me when you're ready and I'll take you home." Alec shook his head. "Get some food in you-"

"No! No, I mean I will. I need to go to Magnus' first and get some stuff for him."


"No! I'll go home but only if you let me come back later."

Robert nodded and pulled the door open. Once Alec knew what he wanted, it was near impossible to convince him otherwise. All he currently wanted was Magnus.

Once Alec was in, Robert shut the door and walked around to his own side. He'd imagined the conversation they were going to have when he was on the way there. How different it would have been if he'd been called to get Alec from Magnus' house. If everything had been fine. He would have smirked and asked Alec if he'd had a nice weekend. Maybe tease him a bit and wind him up. It was how their relationship worked. But as he got in the car, taking in Alec's collapsed form against the window, his messy hair, his jacket that wasn't done up properly and his short pyjamas, he knew it wasn't the right tone anymore. Alec just needed a few minutes of peace and quiet.

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