Chapter 9: Bitter sweet

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Magnus and Izzy have a day out shopping while Jace goes to see his brother in hospital.

"Life doesn't require that we be the best, only that we try our best."

The kitchen filled with the sounds of sizzling, as Jace poured the last of the batter into the pan. It had taken him about ten goes over the last month to get them to a standard that were actually edible. He always made way too many and had told anyone who came by to help themselves if food was out on the table. Maryse had given him ingredient quantities for the six of them who lived in the house, he hadn't worked out how to whittle it down yet.

He piled the last pancake onto the already heaped plate. He hated waking up early and he was still half dazed, as well as being half dressed. He'd eaten earlier but still had his pyjama top on. He had jeans on instead of pyjama bottoms, but the button was undone, and he hadn't done his belt up. His bare feet made pattering noises on the cold tiles. He walked over and put the plate on the table before leaning down to the cupboard and bringing out a few smaller plates.

Magnus' dad had offered to take Robert to the hospital, so he had left early that morning. Apparently, Alec had had a really shaky night. Jace had needed to get up early and make breakfast. His dad had said that Jace could use the car and take them all to get breakfast at the local fast food joint. Jace loved nothing more than eating out for breakfast, but it would have meant waking Max up even earlier, and he needed the sleep. He hadn't minded making breakfast for the past few days. Izzy was a horrific cook and wasn't trusted with anything more than a ham sandwich. Besides, it made Jace feel like a dad, which he liked. He'd never thought of that before. He didn't know if he would be a good dad, but he was trying his best to be a good brother and a good son.

He made his way up the stairs. Izzy was way better with working the washing machine than he was, and she'd done a bunch of laundry for their mom. On the shelf, on the upstairs landing, was a pile of neatly folded clothes. He didn't want Izzy doing too much but she had said that she liked the order of cleaning, ironing, folding the clothes and then putting them away. She'd apparently forgotten the last part.

Jace flicked through the pile, lifting up one of his black t-shirts. He pulled his pyjama top over his head, before doing up his jeans and his belt. He dropped his top onto the floor and held up the t-shirt. He threw it back onto the pile and left his pyjama top next to it. He went into the bathroom without a shirt on and put a blob of toothpaste onto his tooth brush. Max's had a suction cup on the end and was stuck to the mirror. He started brushing his teeth as he looked in the mirror and turned to get a better view of his side. He'd lost a little weight but hadn't been to the gym lately as much as he would have liked. He moved his toothbrush to the other side and carried on brushing as he bent to look in the cabinet under the sink. He pulled out a sheet of card and looked over it before placing it back. In an effort to keep Max healthy and to a routine, he'd made a chart like Alec's for Max to mark off each time he brushed his teeth. He'd promised Max that he'd treat him if he got all his stars for the week.

He turned to the bath and put the plug in, before turning the taps on. The sound of flowing water filled the room and he went to wash out his mouth. He turned back to the bath, poured some bubble bath in and walked across the hall. He went into Alec's room. The bed was neatly made, and the room was tidy. It looked like he had just stepped out and would be back any minute. Jace drew back the curtains and opened the window. He turned to Alec's dresser and crouched down, opening the bottom draw and pulling out one of Alec's t-shirts. He bunched it up and gathered it against his face, taking in the scent. He pulled it over his head and looked at himself in Alec's mirror. It wasn't a perfect fit, but it was what he needed for today.

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