Chapter 18: I will carry you

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All of the family hit a bump in the road. They will need to closer now than ever before, but they find that they can get through anything, as long as they have each other.

"One of the greatest gifts a person can give another, is support."


I've added an external link below to a social media edit for Clary that @givingclace was so kind for making. It's amazing and you should so check it out <3

"Your phone is going off again."

A few evenings later, Magnus was in his pyjamas, having dinner with his father, as his phone rang. His father was strict about having phones at the table, so instead of turning the screen over to view it, Magnus pressed the button on the side and started shovelling food down as quick as he could. He hadn't felt like eating, but his father had insisted.

He had heaped about half of his pasta in his mouth, in the space of about twenty seconds, by the time the phone rang again. He looked at his father, with half it hanging from his mouth, and tilted his head. Please?

Asmodeus sighed and held up his hands.

Without his feet touching the floor, he grabbed the phone and swallowed everything that was left in his mouth. He rushed upstairs to his room and shut the door behind himself.

The calls were from Maryse and not Alec.

His heart raced and his hands shook as he dialled the number back. The phone beeped to say that she was speaking with someone else and he paced back and forth as he dialled the number over and over again.


Asmodeus looked up from the table with his fork halfway to his mouth. Magnus ran in with his trainers in his hands and threw them on the floor. He had put on a different T-shirt and was hopping on the floor, in his boxers, and attempting to pull his trousers on.

Asmodeus grinned into his bowl. He knew his son. Since Maryse had told him that Magnus had stayed at the Lightwood's without asking the other day, Magnus had had a rosy glow, a shimmer in his eyes, and a permanent good mood. Asmodeus wouldn't disrupt their short-lasting peace by bringing it up, but even though Magnus was sometimes reckless, he was a stickler for following the rules. Magnus could have driven up to his Aunt's for the night if he absolutely had to. Going to the Lightwood's house and spending the night without asking, and then not telling him about it, only added further to what Asmodeus had already suspected.

Asmodeus grinned as Magnus ran in and pulled at his laces.

"I'm presuming that was your boyfriend, if you're rushing out of here with no trousers on."

Magnus looked up as he did up his belt. His eyes went wide and his cheeks flushed.

He sat down on the floor and pulled his shoes on angrily. The second Asmodeus had said it, Magnus' eyes teared up and he immediately regretted it. He could see something was wrong.

Magnus gritted his teeth as he pulled the second one on. He wiped his face with his hand and raced to grab the car keys off the table.

"I have to go out."

Asmodeus leaned over and put his hand over the keys.

"Look Magnus, it's not fair on me. I've hardly seen you the past few days- I need the keys because you didn't go shopping like I asked yesterday-"

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