Chapter 16: My promise to you

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Maryse makes an interesting discovery. Simon has something he needs to tell Clary, and Jace is quite literally 'putting out fires' for his siblings.

"The weather is so beautiful today. It's always nice to have good weather on the weekend."

Magnus smiled as he sat down next to Maryse. The fountain was running as usual ,and the weather was hot and bright. The evening sun flowed in warm rays, through the glass in the ceiling, filling the foyer with warm light.

Magnus listened and took in the sounds of the hustle and bustle in the foyer. He knew Maryse liked to come down here while Alec was getting himself changed and things. As he had only just arrived, he had found her sitting there and contemplating things silently. The way Alec often did. He had actually been there all day, but had just reluctantly gone home for dinner and returned.

Maryse nodded. "It is. I'd like to thank you for arranging for us to have dinner with your father yesterday. Him and Robert are getting along well and it's really nice to see. Also, I heard from Jace about the movie tickets and I want him and Izzy to pay you back, okay?"

Magnus shook his head. "Honestly, it's fine. I feel kind of bad though, for pushing everyone out yesterday, but I told you I wanted Alec to have some fresh air outside and to do something nice to cheer him up. I knew he wouldn't agree if he thought that he was putting me above his family visiting, while you were all sitting at home. I hope no one is mad."

Maryse laughed and hugged Magnus' shoulder against her. "Magnus, Alec is a teenager. I'm sure he'd rather spend a few relaxed hours with his boyfriend than sit in a hospital bed and listen to his siblings talk about school and life outside. It's okay to want time alone with him. It's normal."

Magnus nodded shyly, with a little smile. Maryse tilted her head to look at him.

"You really care about him. Don't you?"

Magnus turned his head and smiled. "I love him. I hope that's not weird of me to say to you."

Maryse laughed, hugging him tightly. He'd never been a natural hugger, but he gently hugged her back.

"It's not weird. It's wonderful to hear. Alec was so troubled once with who he was. We went through months of him coming home upset and refusing to tell anyone what was bothering him. It reached a point where he broke down and it wasn't pretty. He told us everything and finally everything was resolved. From then on he was so much happier. All I wished from then was that he would find another man, eventually, who would make him feel happy and loved. I'm so glad he did."

Maryse stood up and placed a hand on Magnus' head. "I think I left my purse by Alec's bed, but I want to call Robert and check on the kids. Would you mind looking for it and I'll meet you back here in a minute? I'll buy you a hot chocolate or coffee, if you want."

Magnus smiled and stood up. "Sure. If you don't mind that is. I'll go get it and meet you back here in say, 10 minutes?"


The phone rang three times before the other end picked up. The voice that answered wasn't Robert. There was a smoke alarm going off in the background.

Jace spoke casually through the sound of a dish cloth being waved. "Hey, Mom."

"Hey, Jace... Everything okay?"

"Ye. Dad is over Magnus' house if you're after him. Something about model trains, I dunno."

Maryse moved her phone to the other ear. "Okay. Can you tell me why the smoke alarm is going off? It's making me slightly worried."

Jace spoke quickly. "It's fine. We've just got to open a few windows and-" He shouted. "-Max! Max, you can't eat that!"

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