Chapter 30: Enclosed Within

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It's pretty standard stuff, wherever you live. Apartments, houses, chalets; all made of bricks, sealed with a roof of tiles; but you'll find that it's the people around you that make your house a home.


Here we are! The great 3-0! Thanks to everyone reading. You guys have been awesome! Five more to go! <3

Water splashed over Izzy as she lay on her towel by the side of the pool. Because of both the sudden heatwave that had hit that week and that Clary had finally had her cast taken off, Robert had suggested that Simon and Clary come over so that everyone there could have a barbecue and they could fill up the pool in the back garden. Jace and Clary were taking turns to hold their breath under the water while Honey swam around excitedly with a ring in her mouth, barking at anyone who moved past her. Simon was pushing Max around the pool. Max was in armbands and laughing, trying to get Izzy to join them in the water.

"Come on, Iz. You're being boring!"

Izzy glanced at Max and pushed her sunglasses back over her eyes. She admittedly hadn't been feeling her best for the past few days but that was probably due to the stress of exams. They'd officially finished school for the summer and now that both the stress of exams were over and that Alec and Magnus were on the mend, she was sure that she would be feeling more like herself soon.

"I'm quite happy sunbathing, thank you."

Clary climbed out of the pool for a second and Izzy rolled her eyes as Jace (not so subtly) followed her with his gaze as she went to get a drink. Simon floated over to Izzy's side of the pool and put his arms over the edge as he spoke quietly. He'd left his glasses on the side and he reached next to her, putting them on again, relieved to finally be able to see properly.

"Hey, Iz. You alright?"

"I'm fine. I just don't really feel like swimming." Simon nodded and smiled shyly, looking to see where everyone else was. Max was being watched by Jace, and Clary who had joined them back in the water. Maryse and Robert were over on the lawn, starting to get food ready.

"We could go inside for a bit, if you want?"

Izzy nodded and sat up, watching as Simon got out of the pool and grabbed his towel from the side. His glasses had dots of water on them and as Izzy stood up, she brushed her thumb over the lenses. Simon took her hand quietly as they walked back into the house. Something had shifted in the past few weeks and all of the children were being treated more like grown ups. Maybe it was the end of an era or just a sign of growing up but no snide jokes or sideways glances were thrown at them as Izzy walked inside, Simon following behind her.


"How was the doctor's appointment?"

Alec sat by the side of the hospital pool. He'd brought a backpack but had stopped on the way to put it in Magnus' room. In all other circumstances, a swim on a day like this would have been great but the hydrotherapy pool was heated and the room was like a rainforest. Magnus had told Alec to wear something cool but he'd never anticipated Alec turning up in shorts, a black tank top and flip flops.

"Good. He gave me the all clear. I can do what I like now, as long as I feel up to it. Of course, I'll always have medication that I'll need to take, like the one to stop my body rejecting my bone marrow, but it was nice to have a final sign off."

Magnus moved towards the side of the pool. He had a pool noodle under his arms, to hold him up, but he let it float him gently to where Alec was crouching down. Magnus beamed and tilted his chin up expectantly, making Alec laugh as he slowly moved and laid down on his stomach, Alec shifted forward, pressing their lips together carefully so he could kiss Magnus and not end up falling in. He brushed Magnus' cheek softly and said 'hi', making him blush.

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