Chapter 23: House Husbands: Part 3

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Recently discharged from hospital, Alec is planning to spend a quiet weekend alone. It's only when the phone rings that plans are changed and he has an unexpected visitor.

"Together is my favourite place to be."


Just leaving a reminder that any medical information given in this fic should not be taken literally. While I have researched extensively, this is a work of fiction and I am not yet qualified to give medical advice.

Magnus smiled as the early morning light peered across the room. It cast rays as it peeked through the curtains, calling out that the day would be warm and hopeful, full of bright light and endless opportunities. Magnus had somehow managed to end up on his stomach, at the bottom of the bed. He pushed back the blanket from his head and peered around the room, still not quite believing that people like him got to have things like this. To wake up in the bed of someone he loved, still aching from last night's activity at one, two, four and five AM, when one of their insatiable appetites had awoken the other with a grin. He smiled to himself, feeling perfectly contented to either just stay there or journey the world with the man he loved. Either would be fine as long as he had Alec by his side.

He stood up and stretched his back, pushing the blanket away. Alec was curled up on his side and smiling happily. He hadn't looked that relaxed in a long time. Magnus pattered across the room and pulled the covers to get under them, sliding in to Alec's side. Alec smiled and instantly nestled into Magnus', putting his arm over Magnus' chest and wrapping their legs together as he licked his lips. Magnus put his free arm over Alec's waist, running his hand in smooth motions across his lower back.

"Good morning."

Magnus smiled and kissed Alec's head, brushing his hair back that had grown just about long enough that he could catch it in his fingers.

"Good morning. You sleep well?"

Alec nodded against Magnus' chest as he spoke.

"I know we had plans today but I don't ever want to get up. I'm going to stop time right now and stay like this forever."

Magnus chuckled, cuddling Alec close as he closed his eyes, the lull of sleep and the warmth of Alec's smooth form, against his own, pulling him back under. He licked his lips.

"How are you gonna do that?"

Alec grinned.

"I'll think of something. I'm stubborn. I'll do it"

Magnus smiled.

"I believe you could. I'm happy with that. I was thinking, it's funny after all we've been through, all the pain and treatment we've had, just how wonderful the body can be. Emotions, feelings, sensations..."

Alec lifted his chin up and looked into Magnus' eyes.

"Alexander? Everything okay?"

Alec nodded and put his hand on Magnus' face, his fingers tracing feather light trails.

"Ye. I just love waking up with you. God, I love you so much. You know that?"

Magnus nodded.

"I feel the same way. I don't want to be apart from you now. I want us to live together."

Alec pouted as he spoke sleepily.

"Maybe we won't be able to now... but in the future we can. It's obvious my whole family must know by now that you're here so I'm thinking of just- not even asking- just saying that we're going to stay over each other's houses some nights. Would that be okay? I wanna wake up with you and have breakfast with you each day. Being apart now seems unbearable. What do you say? I know we go to different schools but we can work something out. It'll only be until uni and we're practically together all day anyway."

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