Chapter 17: First sunrise

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On the hottest night of the year, Alec is given an ultimatum. Is he going to play by the rules? Or is he going to take matters into his own hands?

"There is never a fire as strong as the one in the human heart.


Just adding a warning to this chapter. As the nature of Alec and Magnus' relationship develops, you will find that this is first NSFW chapter of this fic.

"Dad! Lift me higher!"

Max laughed as Robert swung him up to put the basket ball in the hoop. Today was a baking hot, Monday afternoon. Max, Jace and Izzy had been in school all day and had just got home. Robert had taken Max out the back garden to play with the basketball hoop, while Jace did chores inside that he should have done a week ago. Izzy was sitting on the edge of the pool with her feet in, watching as Robert put Max on his shoulders and Max put the ball through the hoop.

Max shouted and waved as Robert set him down.

"Izzy! Come play ball with us!"

Robert stretched with his hands on his back.

"Moo, I think I'm getting too old for this."

Max sat down on the floor and crossed his arms. Izzy towelled off her feet and walked over.

"What's his deal?"

Robert leaned over and patted Max's head. "I think he misses being a little child. We all gotta grow up one day, Kiddo."

Max shook his head. "No. I don't miss being little."

Robert crouched down. "Max, what is it?"

Max looked up at him. "I miss Alec, Dada. I miss him being home and reading bed time stories to me."

Max looked up as Robert stood up and smiled. Izzy looked on in confusion.

"What if I said that Alec was visiting today?"

Max and Izzy jumped up and down. Izzy clapped her hands. "Really?! That's great!"

Robert smiled. "Ye, but just for one night to have his chemo at home. Mom is bringing him home now."


"Are you excited to be coming home?"

Maryse looked across the middle of the car. Alec was looking down and texting, grinning as he typed quickly and hit send.


"I said 'Are you excited to be coming home?''"

Alec nodded and his phone buzzed again. He answered as he smiled at the screen.

"Ye I mean as much as I can be. I still have to have chemo and the nurse come by but it's been so long- Oh."

Maryse looked across, as she turned the steering wheel.

"What is it?"

"Oh nothing. Just that Magnus' dad is out of town for work until tomorrow. Magnus doesn't know what to do because he's not supposed to be alone, in case he has a seizure. Usually he calls his dad every so often so he can check he's okay, but the place his dad is going won't have signal."

Maryse rubbed her eyes with one hand. "Okay-" She took a deep breath "-this conversation has been on the cards for a while, but I'll take the chance now, while it's just us in the car."

Alec looked over, trying to hide the shaking in his hands. "What is it?"

Maryse sighed. "I've seen how you and Magnus are together and I just want to have a conversation with you. Mother to son. Relationships are tricky, Alec, and there's a lot of expectations. Even if you and Magnus decide that you want to take things further-"

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