Chapter 7: Mother's nest

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Alec receives some visitors while he is stuck in his isolation room.

"One of the hardest decisions you'll have to face in life is choosing whether to walk away, or try harder."

Magnus held his hand out flat, against the glass window of Alec's room. Alec put his hand up to meet it.

"I really miss you, Alexander."

Alec laughed. "Magnus, I've been here for three days. I've seen you every day since they put me in here."

Magnus smiled as he sat down. There was a long table, running along the glass window of Alec's isolation room. The table had chairs for visitors to sit on while they spoke through the intercom. Magnus had been there each day, straight up after school and then back again later, unless he had to go to work. "I know, but its not really the same having to speak through a window. Is your mom coming here tonight?"

Alec nodded as he set his Jell-O down. One of the only positives to being in the room were that he could pretty much eat whatever he asked for. The evening routine for the past three days had consisted of Magnus visiting from six until seven, when no one was around, and them having something to eat together. Alec had been sick, a few times the previous morning, and hadn't wanted to eat much. Magnus was trying to keep his mood up as he sat opposite and ate the lime Jell-O that Max brought especially for Alec. It was Max's favourite and Alec didn't have the heart to tell him that he didn't like it.

Magnus set the spoon down and clapped his hands, once. "So, what are we going to talk about now? I think we've pretty much covered everything."

Alec thought for a second. "How was school today? Apparently, if I have enough time off school, they'll arrange for me to see a teacher in the hospital. Once I'm out of here, of course. Max told one of his friends yesterday that I was in prison which meant a lot of explaining to his teacher from Mom."

Magnus sat forward and rested his head on his arms. "That's funny. School was okay, I guess. I kinda just keep to myself. It might be nice for you to see a teacher. Get some routine back."

He didn't elaborate any more. Alec suspected that Magnus either didn't enjoy school or didn't like the others in his classes.

"Mom said that they're trying other things to find a donor. I didn't ask what. I don't want to get my hopes up unless they know there's a good chance of a match."

Magnus put his hand against the glass, again, and Alec met it. "We just have to stay hopeful. Don't we?" He looked at the time on his phone. "Ergh, I hate this. It's seven already."

Alec looked at his phone before setting it down. "Ye. I guess it is. Check the corridor."

Magnus smiled as he looked back and forth across the hallway. "It's clear." Alec rushed forward, and they kissed each other quickly through their opposite sides of the glass. It obviously wasn't the same as being together in person, but Alec had thought it was sweet for Magnus to suggest it. It made him feel like a bit of an outlaw, considering how chaste it was. Anyone walking down the corridor would think they were mad. Magnus grabbed his bag from the table.

Alec waved. "I love you. I'll see you tomorrow, okay?"

Magnus smiled. "Sure thing. Now don't go anywhere, okay? Is there anything you want me to bring for you?"

Alec shook his head and laughed. Magnus winked. "Love you too. I'll see you tomorrow."

On the way out, Magnus bumped into Maryse and Robert. They had all timed their visits so that Alec saw different people on different days. Being in the room was incredibly boring sometimes and Alec still had over a week to go of isolation. Then he would have no immune system and it could be potentially be weeks again for his body to accept the new cells. Magnus smiled modestly. He hadn't told Alec about the incredibly awkward conversation that he had had with Robert. The afternoon before Alec's 'dance' ,Magnus had gone to Robert to ask him permission to be with his son. Magnus was a tad old fashioned that way. Robert had laughed and told Magnus that he thought him and Alec were already together.

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