Chapter 13: Out of the shadows

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Magnus tells his classmates a story.

"Happy endings come after a story with lots of ups and downs."

"Good afternoon class. I know it's a last lesson on a rainy, Monday afternoon, but I will still be expecting best behaviour-"

The classroom door slammed open and Magnus ran in, dragging his bag and his dripping coat behind him.

"Sorry! So sorry!-"

"Mr Bane! Nice of you to show up. Would it be at your convenience to share your answers with the class on this weeks essay question?"

Magnus sat down behind his desk. Essay question?

"Or perhaps you'd like to share your thoughts on the latest chapter of your reading homework?"

Magnus flipped open his notebook. Reading homework?

"Or perhaps Mr. Bane, you would like to explain why you've turned up late to my class, trailing water and mud across my classroom floor?"

Magnus held up his index finger. Aha! Now there's something I CAN do!


06.36 AM

Alec. Alec, no! You're fine. Look at me! Look at me! Why have his eyes rolled back?! Someone help me! I can't carry him. Why's he shaking? What's happening?! Where is everyone?! Someone please help us! Anyone!

Magnus' eyes half opened, and he panted as he tapped the space next to him for someone who wasn't there. Had never been there. His eyes opened fully and he sat up, brushing his hair back. He bunched his pyjama top in his hand, clutching his hand to his chest. He was soaking from sweating in his sleep. He took several deep breaths. He'd been shown breathing exercises, but they didn't always help. You're fine. He's fine. It was just a dream, Magnus.

Magnus rolled over in his bed and pulled out his phone from under his pillow. He squinted at the time and noticed the charging icon next to it that read 10%. The cable was plugged in the bottom and he followed the line of it, down to the extension cord under his bed. The plug wasn't turned on. Fuck.

He held down the on/off button. The phone had been playing up for months and would never charge in time for school now. At least turning it off would save some of the battery. He was still shaken up and knew he would never get back to sleep.

He strolled into the adjoining bathroom. The advantage to only himself and his dad living in the house was that he got a bathroom to himself. It was probably stupid having two bathrooms when only the two of them lived there, but it meant he didn't have to try and convince his dad to get moving so that he could do his hair and makeup in the morning. As much as he tried to explain the importance of equal eyeliner and of keeping your makeup brushes clean, his dad never seemed to be that interested.

He pulled off his pyjamas and chucked them into the hamper in the corner. He walked over to the toilet and whistled while he did what needed to be done. He finished off and turned to the shower. He turned it on and let it heat up for a second. He jumped in and stuck his head under the stream of water. He paused with his eyes shut, letting the water flow over his shoulders and down his back as he rested with his arms against the shower wall.

He turned around and reached up to grab the bottle off his favourite shampoo, off the shelf. Two others fell and within a split second, he ducked his head out of the way. Being hit on the head could cause him to have anything from a mild headache to a full blown seizure, and he definitely did not need that today.

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