Chapter 35: Love, Mama

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Magnus' birthday has finally arrived.
After all that they've been through, everyone is looking forward to the future. Meanwhile, Magnus finds out that the greatest gift he's been given is the family that he's found along the way.


Argh, the time has come ❤️ It's been a long journey but here we are. I'm sure you're eagerly waiting to read so I won't keep you waiting any longer.
Enjoy x

NSFW Warning <3


Asmodeus offered Lily a shy smile as he carefully handed her a pile of her neatly folded laundry. She noted the fact that they were organised by colour and took them gratefully with a hand against his face.

"Wow, I'm impressed." She laughed as Asmodeus sat down on the bed. "You have been taking notes!"

"Oh, do you want me to mess them up?" Asmodeus reached over, teasing Lily as she pulled the pile of clothes from his grasp. She stood up to pack them away and his face went serious for a moment. He watched quietly as Lily zipped up the holdall that was next to her. "You would have to stay then."

Lily smiled sweetly and moved to stand in front of him. She placed a hand on his cheek and kissed him softly before brushing his hair back. His hand lingered over hers and he closed his eyes before taking it gently. "It's only for one night, As. Just to sort things out. Magnus would never forgive me if I missed his birthday and his present is hidden at mine anyway so I'll have to go and get it." Asmodeus stood up reluctantly, picking up the handle of Lily's bag as he took her hand in his spare. Her eyes looked slightly sad so he hugged her for a moment and she put her arms around his neck, going up onto her tiptoes. Asmodeus was in his pyjamas and she smoothed her hand over his shoulder, hoping that he would be okay on his own for the night. "I'll be back first thing. I promise. Tonight is about the two of you."

They walked downstairs together, drawing out the time. The next time Lily spoke, she was standing on the doorstep with her bag placed at her feet. "You know what happens next?"

Asmodeus nodded, slightly sad as he held her hands. "Yeah. I know." He brought Lily's hands to his mouth and kissed them gently.

"Promise you'll call if you need to talk but take your time." She kissed him tenderly as the moonlight glistened behind her. "Be with your son, okay? Tonight's a night for all of us to reflect, I think."

After standing on the drive, watching until Lily disappeared from sight, Asmodeus walked upstairs slowly. He knew what needed to be done and also knew he was stalling but he couldn't bring himself to do what he was supposed to just yet.

He finished a few tasks, checking that Magnus had remembered to turn off the tap in his bathroom before strolling across the landing to close the window. The nights had started to get cold.

Thinking to himself, Asmodeus walked back into Magnus' room and adjusted the thermostat on the wall. He knew he wouldn't have Lily there that night and he wanted to make sure he'd be able to get to sleep. Magnus was also spending the night without Alec and he knew that if Magnus' room wasn't warm enough, he'd have to face more than a little grumbling over breakfast.

As he closed the curtains, something caught Asmodeus' eye. He walked over to Magnus' vanity table, reaching out to pick up the little red trinket that had been lovingly placed. He turned it over in his hand a few times, walking back to his own room as he spoke with deep breaths.

"Come on, As. You can do this."

Asmodeus set the omamori down on his bed and hesitated before opening his wardrobe. His eyes immediately settled on the smooth black box hidden amongst his clothes. He pulled it out gently and shut the door after him, walking across his room before climbing under his covers. He switched his bedside lamp on, running his hand over the top of the box; taking in the cool smoothness with a loving gesture.

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