Chapter 23: On a date with Bon & Meg

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Eak walked up to Towntrap, baseball bat tightly clenched in his fist. And Chica, well, she actually thought Eak was gonna attack the ginger with it. And judging by Town's flinching, (which he desperately tried to hide but failed to do so) he was thinking the same.

Hah, how ridiculous.

Eak lifted the baseball bat and smashed one of the house's windows with it. Towntrap jumped up in surprise and looked at Eak as if he'd grown two heads.

The Mexican merely rolled his eyes and passed Town the baseball bat who sloppily caught it.

"If you're really so fuckin' pissed off, just smash the fuckers' windows instead of acting like a dick." Eak dryly replied, motioning towards the smash-able windows.

"Oh......right." Town looked as though he wanted to say something else, but Eak ignored him and went back to Chica.

"Sorry for pushing that thing into your hands." Eak offered her an apologetic smile before taking back the puppy with very obvious reluctance.

The thing constantly squirmed in his arms and was being an non-cooperative little fucker.

"It's fine! He's so fucking cute, oh my God." Chica continued petting the dog, heart completely melting at the sight of the animal.

But not as cute as you.

"I guess." Eak was rather annoyed with the fact that he was stuck holding onto this bastard.

He wasn't very good with dogs, or animals in general. So yes, maybe he was actually quite jealous that Town had been able to scoop up the dog so easily.

"We should give it a name." Chica suggested out of the blue.

"Okay. Does he have a dick?" The question was so blunt it made Chica wheeze with laughter.

"Oh my God, you can't just ask that so suddenly! Anyways, yeah, he's got a dick." Chica's eyes were practically glowing with amusement, making Eak consider for about two seconds how pretty the blonde's eyes really were.

"I dunno, we should call him Mr. Chips or somethin'." The name suddenly came to mind, and Eak figured the puppy looked like a yellow chip anyways.

Or more like a potato, really.

"Hey, that's not bad actually! Mr. Chips......sounds cute!" Chica offered Mr. Chips one last adoring look before turning around.

"I've still got some houses left to do, so see ya!" Eak didn't have the chance to reply as the other teen skated away.

Chica hoped Eak hadn't seen the way her cheeks reddened after he stared straight into her eyes for about two seconds.

Hmm, okay, maybe she did actually have a crush on him.

Which was sorta ridiculous, considering she'd known the dude for less than a month. But God, she really couldn't help it. Those scary yet charming eyes, the way his face just beamed whenever he laughed and most of all, that. damned. smile.

Chica merely shook her head as she joined Bonnie in attacking someone's front lawn.

No need to rush. She still had all summer to sort out her feelings.

Mr. Chips was an asshole. Eak figured it out the moment Towntrap hastily pushed the damn creature into his hands. He was constantly scratching his arms, growling at him and the fucker even dared chewing on his fingers.

Eak looked back at Town-who was smashing windows like his life depended on it-one more time before deciding to go check out what The Nightmares were on about.

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