2 - Little Princess

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Juice realized he couldn't do much but follow the girl into the living room. By the time he was there, she had already opened all the doors and he heard elated screams coming from all the rooms. 

With a face beaming with enthusiasm, Jamie returned. She clapped her hands. "Oh, this is so awesome! I've always wanted a roommate! Ever since my brother left our house it was so boring! We're gonna have movie nights and pyjama parties and all that stuff! You got a problem with hugs? Cause I love to hug!"

Before Juice could say anything, she wrapped her arms around him and held him in a tight embrace. He didn't move – it felt like his brain just stopped working. 

"Well, you got some work to do to master your hugs!" Laughing, she let go of him and threw herself into Daphne's arms. "I don't even know your name!"

Despite the fact that his own face probably hadn't differed much from that of his girlfriend, he had to chuckle because of the long face she pulled. 

"I'm Daphne," she introduced herself when Jamie let go of her.

"Cool!" Jamie hooked her arm around Daphne's. "Hopefully we'll become good friends! You love shopping? I do! Although there aren't a lot of things I don't love!"

A little demeaning, Daphne's glance wandered across Jamie's clothes – she was wearing checkered britches over fishnet tights and a black T-shirt of some band, which was so wide that the sleeves were covering her elbows. 

"Well, shopping ain't a bad idea," she muttered. 

The sarcasm clearly eluded Jamie and she turned around and put a large plastic bag on the table. "I baked cake! But I didn't know what you liked so I made three! Apple, chocolate and cheesecake!" She took out three boxes and piled them up. 

Juice exchanged a look with Daphne. What the hell was he supposed to do with her? He had the feeling that he was stuck with a child now. 

"Where can I find the platters? And whipped cream – you got whipped cream?" With eyes full of expectation as if she thought to find a pile of gold somewhere, she started to open the cupboards. 

"Can you show her the platters?" he asked Daphne. "I uh – I'm gonna make a call."

Daphne nodded when she understood what he meant and walked over to the girl. In the meantime Juice searched for the number of who he thought had been Jamie, headed to the balcony and dialed the number. 

"Hey Juice!" a merry voice sounded on the other side of the line. "Did my sister arrive safely?"

Juice gritted his teeth. He really had no idea what was going on. Why hadn't he just told him that he was looking for a place to live for his sister? 

"Pick her up," he groaned, "we haven't agreed on this."

"Sorry man. There weren't a lot of other options and since you're a son, I figured you could keep her save."

"I'm not a babysitter!" he snapped. 

"She's twenty-one."

"Well that's hard to believe," he huffed. When he had the feeling that someone was squeezing his throat, he took a few deep breaths. He didn't want this – being stuck with such a crazy girl! Suddenly he realized Roman had said something about safety. "Why are you afraid that she won't be safe around someone else? Is she in trouble?"

"No, but she has a knack for getting into it."

Juice ran a hand across his mohawk. This was great. Just great. 

"Pick her up," he repeated through gritted teeth. "I'm –"

"I filled out all the forms. You should have paid a little more attention to them, amigo. Hey, I gotta go. Be nice to James, she's gonna need some surrogate brother." A brief chuckle sounded before the call was ended. 

Angrily, Juice shoved his phone into his pocket. Perfect.

Sighing, he went back inside. Daphne gave him a questioning look and slowly he shook his head. 

"Which cake do you want?" Jamie asked with a unwitting smile. "Although I'm sure there will be enough leftovers to try them all! Unless you have forgotten to buy pie for the party tonight."

"Party?" he repeated dazed. 

"Yes! My welcome party! There's supposed to be a welcome party, right?!" 

With her large blue eyes she stared expectantly at him, sparkling with enthusiasm. 

He couldn't do it. 

He couldn't tell her that she was completely insane and that there wasn't organized a party for her at all. It would feel like he was kicking a puppy. 

"We might need an extra pie indeed! Uh – can I get the chocolate cake?"

Jamie nodded, laid a slice on the platter and took them to the coffee table. 

"What are you doing?" Daphne hissed. 

Juice shrugged his shoulders. "I'll send some prospects and croweaters over. She has to attend at least one SAMCRO party before she leaves, right?" His arm slipped around her waist and he kissed the corner of her mouth. 

"Is her brother picking her up?"


A sudden yell startled them, followed by the clinking of porcelain. Juice grunted as he discovered that she had tripped over one of her bags after which she had dropped the crockery. There was pie everywhere. 

He cursed half-heartedly. "I'm gonna stay with you until she's gone."

He didn't know how he could get rid of her, but she sure as hell wasn't going to stay here.

Jamie got up again, rubbing her knee. Her cheeks were red, clashing with her pink and blue hair – with also whipped cream in it now. 

"Sit down," he sighed. "I'll clean it up."

Suddenly she was silent and stared at her knees. 

Although it was a relief that she kept her mouth shut for once, he felt bad about it. Maybe she just felt nervous. Moving in with a total stranger might not have been her first choice either.

He sat down next to her. Hesitating, he laid a hand on her shoulder. "It's okay. Sometimes I'm a bit clumsy too."

She didn't raise her head. "You don't want me around, do you?"

Her defeated tone cut through his heart. "Of course I do," he said quickly. "If not, we wouldn't have thrown a party for you!"

When she looked skittishly at him, he winked at her. 

Immediately her lips curled up and the enthusiasm returned to her eyes. He patted her knee and went back to the kitchen, where Daphne gave him an angry look. 

"What the hell are you doing?" she hissed. 

"Making sure that's she's not going to cry," he muttered. His arm glided around her waist again and he pulled her close. "I know you didn't want me to have a female room mate but trust me – she's no competition for you." He lifted her chin, kissing her lips. "I love you."

"I love you too."

He smiled. "Can you go to the clubhouse and fix that party for tonight?"

With a sigh she agreed. "Fine. Although I think she's gonna have another cry if I don't try her pie, so I'll go once I've finished one."

He chuckled quietly before kissing her. "Seems like we just became parents of a teenage girl."

"Let's consider that as a test." She rolled her eyes and looked past him. "I don't think she's much younger than I am, tho."

"Hmm... but you're ten times hotter." His hands glided around her hips and he pushed her softly against the counter. 

"Only ten times?" she pouted. 

"Hundred times." He kissed the corner of her mouth. "Thousand times."

"Slimeball." Instead of kissing him back, she pushed him to the side, towards the faucet. "Go clean that mess. As it seems, we got a lot of work to do to make our little princess happy."

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