24 - One of Us

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Juice wished he could slam one drink after the other to forget about Esai's words. They kept circling around him, causing a stinging pain in his stomach. 

'She's mine now. I am the one whose gonna take off her clothes tonight, who's going to suck her nipples, who's going to claim that tight pussy soon.' 

He wished she had heard how rude her 'boyfriend' talked about her; as if she was nothing but an object of lust. But he couldn't tell her, and she probably wouldn't believe him anyway. 

For that same reason he couldn't get wasted either; he had no doubt that he would go to his house, hurting Esai in a way Jamie would never forgive him. What he could do, was telling Roman about his doubts about Esai. Maybe she would listen to him. He however didn't want to call the man to talk about his rival; he wanted to speak privately to Jamie's brother anyway. The thing with the tattoo was also still bothering him. He might not be her brother or her boyfriend, but he did feel responsible for her and he just didn't want her to get hurt, whether the danger was coming from Esai or from a completely different angle. 

The couch sank down. As he looked up, he noticed it was Chibs who sat down next to him. "Tell me lad. Why are ye lookin' like the worlds endin' tonite?"

"Because I'm just expelled from my own house," he grunted. 

His brother raised an eyebrow. "The lass sent ye away?" His voice told him he found that hard to believe.

"I left myself to make sure I wouldn't strangle her new boyfriend."

A meaningful smirk crossed the Scot's face. "Our Juicy really fell a little in love with his crazy roommate, huh?"

"It's a Mayan Chibs. She's in love with a fucking Mayan."

Chibs' face became serious. "What?"

"She's with Esai Alvarez. Marcus Alvarez' son."

"What the hell is he thinking?!" Chibs was about to get up, but Juice grabbed his arm. 

"I already told her he's only interested in the club. She doesn't believe me. And when I kick Esai out of my house, she will only be drawn closer to the Mayans." He rubbed his face. "I really like her – I care a lot about her." He was silent. Whether it were his emotions or the alcohol; he added quietly: "I even think I love her. And I don't want that bunch of assholes to ruin her life. I'm the only reason Esai is interested in her. And I hate the fact that..." Bending his head, he kept silent. 

Yeah, he hated the fact Jamie had fallen in love with Esai instead of him. 

"He will hurt her," he said softly. 

Chibs squeezed his shoulder. "The lass ain't made of glass. Sooner o' later she's gonna discover the truth. Until then you just gotta keep 'er close. Close to yerself, to the club. Bring 'er to parties; the more time the lass spends with us, the more it will frustrate the Mayan. Give her the feelin' she's one of us."

Juice sighed softly. But how... 

. . .

Juice returned home next morning, when Jamie texted him that Esai was gone. For the first time since he was with Daphne, he had spent the night in the clubhouse alone. He still wasn't sure what to do with her; in his head there was simply no room to think about it. He didn't love her – he was sure of it now. But the sex was amazing and especially now Jamie and Esai were a thing, he liked to have a relationship himself. Would Jamie become jealous, when Daphne spent a lot of time with them while Esai had no time for her? Or would Daphne see the reason why he invited her over and start a fuss? 

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