34 - Distance

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Jamie was sitting in a corner of the clubhouse, playing with the five puppies of the bulldog she and Juice had found at the side of the road. Since Juice didn't live in their apartment anymore, she went more often to the clubhouse. He'd told her he didn't mind. Jamie was happy about it; she hated the silence at home and she just wanted to have people around her. Especially Happy, Half Sack and Tig often squatted down next to her to play with the puppies. It was funny. Happy was a really tough guy, but the moment he sat down on his knees to pet the puppies, the sullen expression melted off his face, making him look like a whole different person. 

She was relieved she could go to this place after a day of work. Esai didn't have much time for her. They were in a gang war and he didn't want to be seen with her. She understood — after all, his mom had been in the hospital for five days because of the shooting at their house. Yet, she wasn't even allowed to help his mother — she wasn't allowed to go to Oakland at all. Now two weeks had passed, it started to bother her. 

She got it that he had to care for his mom and that he was busy with the club, but was there really no time to visit her? Juice no longer lived in the apartment and that was because of him. This morning she'd sent another text telling him she missed him and asking him if he knew when they could see each other again, but up to now she hadn't heard from him. She tried not to make a big deal out of it, but she couldn't help to doubt herself. Had she done something wrong? Shouldn't she have hidden under the table when the shooting started? But she'd wanted to protect the little Tessa. Was it because of Esai's father? Had he finally convinced his son that she wasn't good enough for him? Or was it because of what had happened on her birthday? Did he believe she returned Juice's feelings? 

Jamie looked aside when she felt a hand on her shoulder. Gemma showed her a smile. "Would you like to help to prepare the meal for tonight?"

The words caused a blush on her cheeks. It wasn't the first time the woman asked her this. It made her feel good — as if she was really welcome in the clubhouse. As if she belonged in this place. She nodded, got up and followed the woman to the kitchen. 

There were also other women busy cooking. Girls who were hang-arounds and also some of the biker's girlfriends. Would there also be girls cooking in the Mayan's clubhouse? She never had dinner with Esai's brothers, she'd never met the other Old ladies. She felt more welcome here than there, even though they knew she was in love with their rival. 

As she helped to set the table an hour later, she saw Juice leave the hallway leading to the bedrooms. 

"Hey," he said, offering her a smile that caused a little tickle her stomach. 

She missed him too, she realized. "Hey." Clumsily, she shuffled her feet, the pan still in her hands. "Gemma asked me to stay for dinner. I hope — I hope you don't mind?"

"Of course not," he said quickly. "Come on, give me that."

He took the heavy pan from her. Her eyes shot to his when their fingers slightly brushed. It made her cheeks flush and quickly she returned to the kitchen. 

This happened because she was missing Esai. Because she felt lonely. Because she knew he was in love with her. Pressing her hand against her chest, she felt how her heart was raging. 

This made no sense! This was Juice, her best friend!

. . .

Annoyed, Esai pushed the umpteenth club girl away. It drove him crazy; their hands sliding down his shoulders, their sweet breath brushing his ear, their exaggerated laughs. There was only one girl whose attention he wanted and he wouldn't get it anytime soon. Maybe not ever. The threat was still ringing in his ears. He had just visited his mother in the hospital when a woman waited for him and pushed him against the wall in an alley. Her eyes full of hatred. 

"You better get used to this, Esai Alvarez. To visiting your loved ones in the hospital. You murdered my brother and my lover and we won't rest until you know our pain."

Goosebumps spread across his arms now he thought back to her venomous voice. 

It wasn't a misunderstanding. Her name was Mia and she'd lost her boyfriend the night Esai had tortured him. The night Jamie had came to the clubhouse when the prospect told him he was cheating on her. Apparently, the man had died because of his injuries. Something Esai felt terribly guilty about, but he couldn't do anything about it anymore. 

Subsequently, they retaliated and his mother was hit. 

In turn there had been another shooting in which Mia's brother had died. She belonged to a rich family who was getting more and more influence in the city; according to his father, they had ties to a cartel, which was why Esai was very serious about her threat. He knew Jamie was in danger. 

He had to cut ties with her. Had to end their relationship. 

But how? Would she just let him shove her aside? After what happened at his house, she hadn't run from him. It hadn't been shocking enough to break up with him. 

And so, he was working on an idea to end their relationship. He chewed the inside of his cheek, contemplating his options. 

There was one thing not a single woman would forgive easily. Something she'd already been afraid of once. 

Maybe he should go for her weak spot, even though he knew he would lose her forever. If he gave her up, Juice was going to take his place. 

The thought caused a bitter taste in his mouth. 

But Esai loved her. He didn't want her to die because of his feelings for her. 

He slipped off his bar stool, went outside and stared into the dark night. 

He had no choice. 

Jamie just needed a little bit of encouragement to come to the clubhouse and he knew how to get her here — with help of someone who couldn't wait to see them part. 

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