16 - Being Yourself

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"You almost lost la pajarita today, hermano." Kevin wrapped an arm around his shoulders and glanced at the door through which Jamie had just disappeared. He scowled at his friend, not knowing if him calling her little bird was some funny reference to her colorful hair or if it was some term of endearment. 

"You should have watched her closer instead of trying to talk that bitch into your bed."

Kevin rolled his eyes. "I didn't lose sight of her for five minutes. After all your obvious flirting I thought she would survive a few minutes with Danny alone. How the hell hell was I supposed to know that he was going to tell some shitty story about you?"

Esai didn't answer. Instead, he looked around. The man was nowhere to be seen. Good, at least there was a little bit of brain left in that head. 

"Anyway, seems like you two are back in paradise. That girl got it bad, huh? Poor girl. It will break her once she finds out that..."

"She doesn't need to find out anything," he answered roughly. "She doesn't ever need to know."

Kevin lifted his eyebrows. "Sounds like you plan on keepin' her once you have what we need."

Esai shrugged his shoulders, silently cursing himself for giving his friend a glimpse of his true feelings. 

Suddenly the smirk on his friend's face became wider. "Wait a minute, hermano. You really like her?" He started to laugh. "That would be so fucked-up. If you don't only break her heart, but yours as well."

Esai gritted his teeth, being close to knock the grin off his friend's face. He however kept his hands to himself and peeked at the entrance. The fact that Jamie was talking to Shanty now, made him nervous. Her friend obviously didn't like him and he had already sensed that she knew that his intentions weren't completely pure. Was she trying to convince Jamie to walk away from him? He didn't want to fuck this up and especially not because of some stupid bitch who had no business here anyway. How the hell should he explain that to his father? He didn't want to ruin this task after only a few days because of some smartass friend. He just hoped he'd been convincing enough, earlier tonight. 

Esai relaxed a little as Jamie smiled at him when the two girls walked inside. That was a good sign. The moment she had walked across the room, he enveloped her in his arms, pulling her to his chest. Despite all the half naked girls around him, it was Jamie who was giving him a hard one by just wearing his shirt. It called up a possessiveness, as if the piece of cloth told the world that she was his, and his alone. 

"Ready to go?" he whispered in her ear. He couldn't wait to be alone with her, instead of under the watchful eye of all those people who believed this was just an act. 

Jamie nodded, her smile so beautiful he wanted to pull her even closer. He loved that smile, that was so honest and care-free. His hand glided in hers and after saying goodbye to Kevin and Shanty, he took her to his room. 

"I told Shanty I'd like to double date after our third date. If you think that's fun too." She wrapped her arms around his waist and looked up to him. 

Her eyes were glimmering in anticipation. Esai intended to never tell her anything that would extinguish the lights in her eyes, so he kissed her lightly. "Sounds good."

She kissed him back. Without breaking the kiss he led her to his bed. The caresses of her tongue called up a deep desire inside him, one that hadn't been slaked in a few days. Her deep breathing made his heart beat faster and his hands were itching to explore her body. Would that be too soon for her? Her bra had been drying out in the bathroom, so he knew she wasn't wearing anything underneath his shirt. They were lying on their sides. His hand rested on her hip and he hated the fact that his shirt was so oversized he couldn't subtly shove his fingers underneath it. 

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