18 - Symbols of Love

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Esai clicked his tongue as he watched his cards. It was a 50/50 shot. The stakes were already high, but that sparkly ring kept attracting his attention. He wondered how it would look on Jamie. It was probably way too soon to give her a ring, but he couldn't imagine Jamie would make a big deal of it. 

His hand stroked across the back of the girl sitting on his lap. "Well, what shall we do, guapa?" His eyes were aimed at Kevin, but as usual he couldn't read his face. 

Lydia moved her lips to his ear and whispered: "You know I love daredevils."

"Okay, let's go all-in." He shoved the pile of money on his side to the middle of the table, Lydia's bracelet included. 

"Lemme see." Kevin flipped his cards. 

Esai smirked. They both had a four of a kind – but he had an ace. 

"Too bad, 'mano," he smirked at his friend, pulling the loot closer. He took the ring from between the money, the other jewelry he left to Lydia. With a sour face she looked at the ring. 

"That was mine."

"I won it fair and square, right?" With a grin, he slipped the ring in his pocket, laying a kiss on her cheek. 

"You're right," she answered quietly. Turning on his lap until she was sitting sideways, she started to kiss his neck. "You know you can take everything you want from me."

Esai knew indeed – he had done so a couple of times. 

"You already have company for the night?" she asked. 

When her hand glided to his crotch, he decided this was the limit. "Why don't you cheer up Kev? He'll know what to do with two ladies after his heavy defeat."

She pouted. "But he ain't as hot as you." She held his glance. "Is it because of that girl?"

Esai hesitated. If he admitted he wanted to be faithful to Jamie, he would lift their relationship to a whole new stage. Something neither of them were ready for – after all, they only knew each other for a week. "Yeah," he said nevertheless.

She smiled, kissing his cheek. "That's sweet."

He felt his face glow; sweet wasn't exactly a word one used to describe him. 

She got up and walked over to Kevin, her hips swinging. Esai gathered the money he won, putting it in his walled. Then he headed for the bar to get himself a drink. 

"Did you really sent her away?"

His father's voice sounded disapproving. He knew why – he believed Lydia was the perfect Old Lady. She was a hangout for a while know, she was discrete, beautiful, knew this life and above all, she knew her place. 

Esai shrugged his shoulders and drank from his beer. "Jamie freaked out last Wednesday when Danny told her I took a girl to my room. I don't wanna risk it."

"She does not need to know. Just get your dick sucked, that girl is getting in your head."

Esai suppressed a sigh and pushed with his nail against the edge of the label on the bottle. "Lemme do this my way."

"Your feelings, son. They have always been in the way. Believe me – if you go through with this, you will get stuck with yourself the moment you betray her."

"I won't betray her," he grunted. "I just seize the opportunity to do something for the club. She doesn't need to know that it was our plan all along."

Plus, he wasn't just doing this to get closer to the Sons. It was just a nice side-effect.

"You are fooling yourself, hijo. Maybe she is naive enough to believe you, but her roommate will not. He will explain to her why you wanted to date her."

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