3 - Spin the Bottle

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"Where will the party be held? In our apartment? Then we have to decorate it, right? And oh, is it a theme party? I have a bag full of customs, I just love theme parties!"

While asking her questions she circled around her room mate until she started to feel a little light in the head. He laid his hands on her shoulders and gently pushed her into a chair. "Please sit down. You make me feel dizzy." He heaved a sigh as he leaned against the kitchen table. "Eh... the theme is rock 'n roll?"

Jamie started to laugh, spreading her arms. "Well, then I'm ready! And where is it? Here? Then I should really unpack my stuff! I brought some posters with me to pimp my room but I can put them on these walls too, to create some rock and roll vibe. And..."

"I'll take you to our clubhouse. At first I planned to do it here... but I just cleaned the whole place and there will be too many people anyway." 

Jamie looked at him, smiling from ear to ear. Oh, he was such a cutie! She felt the urge to hug him again, but she remembered all too well how uneasy he had felt the first time. Hopefully he would loosen up a bit. 

"Jamie... Do you know why your brother pretended to be you? I actually really don't get it..."

"Well... I'm doing an internship half an hour away from Charming. I could also stay at my uncle's place since he's our project leader, but I thought that was gonna be boring. He's old, you know. And there weren't a lot of other rooms available and well, you looked cute on the picture."

Dazed, he blinked his eyes. "You think men with mohawks and head tats are cute?"

She nodded confidently. "Well – not all of them of course. But yeah, you're cute. And handsome! Ha, now I can tell all my friends that I have a super hot roomie! I'll take some sneaky pictures when you get out of the bathroom with only a towel on."

He stared at her, shaking his head as if he wanted to get rid the thought. "Well... don't let Daphne hear that."

"Hmm, she a bit of jealous? She's gorgeous, she must know that she'll have more competition from an golden retriever than from me?" She laughed. "By the way, are you a dog person? I wouldn't mind to have a dog, you know."

"I think we should first see if there's a click between us before we start to think about pets," he muttered. "And you didn't answer my question. Why did your brother pretend to be you?"

"Well, because only men were invited."

"So what made you think I'd be happy with a girl?" His voice sounded annoyed and suddenly there was a deep frown on his forehead. 

"Well – you should be happy with me! I'm fun! I'm the best roomie there is! I can cook and sing and I love playing games and I love like all movies! And you know – it's so old school to discriminate people because of their gender!"

"It's not just that," he sighed. "I... Oh, never mind. I just didn't count on this, okay? But fine – most days I'm not around anyway so you're gonna have to play all those great games on your own.  I'm going to take a shower."

Dissatisfied she watched him leave. Man – he really wasn't a bundle of laughs. Maybe it was because of his girlfriend, she looked like she'd never heard of the word fun. Jamie decided not to get uptight about it and started to clean out her stuff. 

. . .

Juice couldn't wait to finally go to the clubhouse, so he could finally be away from her for a while. It wasn't that she was unfriendly, but she was so... exhausting and annoying. It really felt like he was stuck with a teenager and he didn't know how to get rid of her in a nice way. 

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