20 - Guys Like Me

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For a moment Esai had the feeling the world stood still when his eyes met Juice's. 


It looked like Juice's eyes became darker and his jaw tensed. For a moment he thought the guy was going to launch himself upon him, then he turned his face away and stared forward. 

Esai quickly headed to the exit. He didn't want to make a scene, not now. Maybe Jamie managed to talk herself out of this – at least, he knew everything would get worse if they started to fight here. 

He looked to the side. Nothing in his demeanor led him to believe that his father had seen the Son too. An angry frown was still drawn on his forehead. The moment they were outside, his father had another outburst.

"Are you really my son? Getting arrested for putting up graffiti?! How old are you, thirteen?"

Esai shrugged his shoulders. "We were just havin' some fun."

"Well that fun of yours costs me an arm and a leg! And still, you dare to resent me for not bailing that puta out!"

"Already told you I'd pay for it."

"With what money?!" his father snapped. "Everything you earn with the club, you gamble!"

Esai shrugged his shoulders once more. "Not all of it. I got enough at my account to get Jamie out. But never mind, already saw Juice in there."

Although Juice was the reason he had started to date Jamie in the first place, the idea that they were sharing an apartment started to bother him more and more. Protectiveness had been written all over his face. His glance rested upon the bike that stood close to his father's. For the first time, the thought that she would sit so close to him during the ride to Charming caused a pit in his stomach. He pushed the feeling away. 

"Was Juice inside?" his father asked, clearly irritated because a Son had dared to enter his town. 

"Yeah. So lets go."

"You can walk home," his father huffed. "And use that time to think about your behavior, son. Jokes like this better not turn into a habit. Just buy her some jewelry, instead of this dumb shit. She's a tool, Esai. Not a toy."

"She's not just a tool. Not to me. And she's neither a toy."

His father raised his eyebrows dismissively. "What is that supposed to mean?"

"I like her. I'm serious about her. I know what I have to do and I will do it, but if she would move to another place it wouldn't change anything between her and me."

His father cursed. "If you fuck this up... This was your idea, Esai. You wanted to use her for this! We gave you our trust, don't you do dare to betray it. You are exempted from other duties for this, so deliver us some fucking results. Enough with the mealy-mouthed talk!"

Esai gritted his teeth, he no longer wanted to talk to his father. Instead he turned his back towards him and started to rush away from the police station. Why was it so hard for his dad to trust him? He knew what he was doing. His feelings for Jamie had nothing to do with it and wouldn't intervene.

He wished he could go to her now, he hadn't even said goodbye to her and right now all he wanted was holding her in his arms. Still he didn't tarry; he quickened his pace, taking his phone from his pocket and typing: 

Juice knows, he saw me. Sorry for all this shit. I hope your night wasn't too horrible. Despite the ending I really enjoyed yesterday. I wish I could have waited for you. I miss you. <3

Whether it was sappy or not – right now he didn't care and he pressed the send button. Knowing that she had been so close to him all night, without being able to touch or even see her, frustrated him to the bone. She had been so close – and yet so far away. 

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