28 - We Belong Together

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Jamie was alarmingly quiet. She ate slowly, staring at the table top and being deep in thoughts. At first Juice waited until she spoke out her thoughts; when she didn't, he decided to ask. 

"Did something happen?" he asked in a soft voice. 

Her shoulders slumped down. As she looked up, he read the doubt in her eyes. Yesterday she had been with Esai... Had he hurt her? The feelings that arose at that thought were conflicting; part of him wanted to beat Esai's face to pulp, and at the same time the hope flared up that things would soon end between the two. 

Doubt was good. 

His own thoughts made him feel sick; he wanted her to feel horrible because that might mean that she would end her relationship with Esai. Ashamed, he stared at his empty plate. 

"No, I'm fine," she answered almost inaudible. 

She lied – and it gave him a sour feeling. She used to tell him everything. 

There was a tense silence between them. Juice got up to clear the table. He felt disappointed when his roommate helped him in silence, disappearing into her room once she had taken everything to the kitchen. After putting the dishes in the dishwasher, Juice leaned against the counter top, sighing. The past days had been busy; he had looked forward to spend time with her. 

After a brief moment of hesitation he decided not to give up so quickly. Her mood probably had something to do with Esai; she might be afraid that he would tell her things that would only make her feel more sad. Instead of trying to get her to talk, he decided to simply distract her, to maker smile again. 

He knocked at the door of her room and opened it. She was lying on her stomach on the bed, an opened book on her pillow. Instead of reading it, she stared at the wall. It took a while before she heard the knock on the door and turned her head aside. 

He sat down on the edge of the bed, rubbing her upper arm soothingly. "Mulling over it is gonna make you crazy sweetie. Come on, let's have some fun. You'll feel more energetic and it will be easier to downplay whatever is bothering you."

She sat up. "What do you want to do?"

A mysterious smile crossed his lips. "Something I always refuse to do." He got up, holding out his hand to help her on her feet. "You comin'?"

Something of her old enthusiasm returned to her eyes. She grabbed his hand and he helped her on her feet. A tingling traveled through his hand when their fingers laced; the last time he'd held her hand felt like ages ago. He felt the irresistible longing to pull her in his arms and he could keep himself from doing so just in time. She would probably have no suspicions when he would do it, but he didn't trust himself. If he couldn't suppress that longing, what would stop him from kissing her? 

Before he could do something he would regret, he pulled back his arm and led her to the living room. Kneeling in front of the Wii, he searched for the game and put it in the device. Getting up, he handed her the controller and switched the tv to the right channel. 

Her eyes lit up when the music started and the logo of Just Dance appeared on the screen. During the first days she had begged him to join her, but he hadn't considered for a minute to dance around like some idiot. 

"We're going to do this together?" she asked enthusiastically, her voice laced with disbelief. 

Together... The word made his heart do flip-flops. Smirking, he nodded to her. "You can pick a song. As long as it isn't Bieber."

Chuckling, she scrolled down the list of songs. "Queen!"

She made sure two players was enabled and started Don't Stop Me Now. 

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