21 - Be Mine

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At first, Jamie could only stare at him. 

"You're in love?" she repeated eventually. "With – with me? But – but what about Daphne?"

He shrugged his shoulders. "I like to... do certain things with her. But you... you make me feel things I've never felt before, James."

Jamie became aware of the hand that he was still holding, pulling it away. "But – but I'm in love with Esai. I – I don't have such feelings for you."

He bent his head. 

Jamie felt horrible. Hesitating, she laid a hand on his knee. "I'm sorry Juice," she said softly. "You're an awesome guy, and you're incredibly sweet. But you're just a friend. Please don't be mad."

Juice looked up, holding her glance. Then he leaned back, shaking his head. "You see how naive you are James? I tell you I'm in love with you and you believe me right away."

"Was it – was it a joke?" she asked, feeling offended.  "I thought that I was hurting you!"

"I'm just trying to make a point here, Jamie. I know you don't like to hear it, but you're easy to manipulate. You know me very well, and yet you believed I had feelings for you. Suppose Esai is playing you from the beginning, how would you know unless someone's pointing it out?"

Jamie bit her lip, dropping her eyes. Was he right? Wringing her hands, she thought about last week. He hadn't given her a single reason to doubt him. Yesterday he'd let himself getting arrested because of her. And for what could he actually use her? It all sounded so far-fetched!

"I really like him Juice," she said softly. 

"I know sweetheart. But that's why it's better to end it now. The longer you wait, the more it will hurt."

"But what if he does like me?" she asked. "What if his feelings are true? I can't break up with him just because my roommate questions his feelings?"

Juice raised his eyebrows. "Break up with him? Didn't know you two were that serious..."

Jamie's cheeks flushed. "You know what I mean... Maybe uh, maybe you can talk to him some day. Maybe – maybe you'll believe him. If you're people skills are so great."

He snorted. "I can think of only one outcome, and that is one with a lot of bruises."

"Come on, you're childish now."

He stared at her in disbelief. "I'm deadly serious, Jamie."

"That's even worse! It's crazy that two people I care about can't even be in the same room! Why would you want to hurt him –what's the point of it?!"

"He's using you, Jamie," he hissed. "Fuck – that's reason enough to beat the shit outta him! But if you're so stubborn: fine, you ahead, but I warned you! Just don't think for a minute that that asshole's ever setting a foot inside this apartment!"

"This is my home too!" she objected. 

"Well, not much longer if you're not careful," he barked. He jumped up, rushed out of the room and slammed the front door shut.

A shock went through her body. Sighing, she raked her fingers through her hair. Tears were stinging in her eyes – the lack of sleep over the past few days started to take its toll. 

She couldn't take much more. What should she do now?

. . .

To avoid his father, Esai had gone to his parent's house, knowing his dad was in the clubhouse. His father might not like his decision, but he really wasn't in the mood to face him now. Not after what he'd said about Jamie. 

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