30 - Angels and Whores

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Juice had kissed her. 

That was the only thought that kept racing through her head. Was he in love with her after all? No — he'd told her he wasn't. But why else would he kiss her? Only to taunt Esai? Both guys were trying to tolerate each other, but she wasn't stupid; she was very aware of their stabs in the dark. 

She thought back to how her body had responded to Juice's lips against hers. It was different from how she felt when she kissed Esai; then her belly was filled with hot explosions, and sometimes she completely forgot where she was. But her lips had tingled when Juice kissed her, and in her stomach something tiny had been tickling. 

While recalling the moment, she unconsciously moved her hand to her neck, brushing the golden feathers of the necklace. It had been such a beautiful gift. She also liked the jewelry Esai had given her, but Juice's present... It might be the most beautiful thing someone had ever given to her, and it was super cool to wear a replica of the necklace of a Mayan queen. 

The doorbell rang. Jamie headed for the door, letting Daphne in. The other guests had trickled in a while ago. Their presence was a relief; now Esai and Juice had other people to talk to. She had seen the prospects of both clubs talk; they got along much better than the other two bikers. 

"Hi love." Daphne greeted her with a wide smile, pressing her lips against Jamie's mouth. "Happy birthday!"

In shock, Jamie blinked her eyes. That was the second one kissing her on the lips today — besides her boyfriend. Was this some habit in Charming she hadn't been aware of? At least it made her feel a bit less stressed about Juice's kiss — maybe that hadn't meant anything either. Now she could look him in the eye again without feeling guilty towards Esai and Daphne.

Together with Daphne she returned to the living room. 

"What kind of pie do you want?" Jamie asked. "I got cherry, apple and cream."

"A little piece of cherry please, I'm watching my weight a bit."

"Why?" Jamie asked with wide eyes. Daphne had a lovely figure. 

Daphne's glance wandered across Jamie's dress. She didn't elaborate, but something told her Daphne believed she should lose some kilo's too. 

Jamie returned to the kitchen, cut a small piece of cake for Daphne and halved the piece she'd wanted to take herself. The pies were wobbling on the platters as she brought them to the living room. Daphne was seated between Juice and Esai, where Jamie had been sitting before the bell rang. She considered to get another chair, but Esai motioned with his eyes to his lap. 

With a smile, Jamie lowered herself on his lap. Esai's arms slid around her and he pressed a kiss to her shoulder. 

"Oh, my present!" Daphne opened her purse, pulling out an elongated box. "Something every girl should have. Especially when the boys are on a run." She gave her a conspiring wink.

Jamie wasn't sure what she meant with that, yet she gave her a small smile and took the present from the girl. Carefully she took off the wrapping paper, there was a purple box in it. Curiously, she turned it around. On the couch next to her she heard Kevin chuckle, who whispered something in Shanty's ear after which the girl slapped his chest.

Jamie looked at the image on the front. Her cheeks started to glow when she realized it was a vibrator. Suddenly her mouth felt dry, she had no idea how to respond. Skittishly she looked aside. There was a smile on Daphne's lips, but it looked less friendly than before.

"Umm thanks," she muttered. "I guess."

She had a feeling everyone was staring at her and she wished she could dive into a pile of pillows. She felt Esai's lips against her shoulder. His hand glided from her knee to the inside of her thigh, a little bit below her dress. The fingertips of his other hand were stroking her stomach. 

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