26 - With My Life

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Quietly, Esai stood in the doorway to the bathroom, his shoulder leaning against the door frame. Jamie sat on her knees in front of the bathtub, her sleeves rolled up to her elbows. She moved a rubber duck through the water, which Tessa tried to slap, giggling. She had tied her colored hair together, hanging it down her left shoulder. Her sweater crept up a bit, showing a part of her only tattoo. He wasn't sure what it depicted; he had always paid more attention to her body itself instead of its ornaments. It was a fist-sized round tattoo with countless small details around a stylized face, of which he could only see the chin right now. The style reminded him of his club symbol, so he assumed it was some Mayan glyph. Although he wanted to make her his with his own tattoo one day, it felt like her current tattoo already connected them. As if they were meant to be. 

Meant to be. Really Esai?! He shook off the ridiculous thought. 

What the hell was going on with him lately? Was he really looking for signs proving that his father was wrong in stupid things like this? The whole conversation of tonight still caused a pit in his stomach. To distract himself, he looked at the jeans hugging her bottom, showing off her curves now she was leaning forward. Oh, how badly did he want to go down on his knees behind her, roll down her pants and his own, grab her hips and thrust inside her...

A little ashamed he tore his glance away from her behind. 

No – that wasn't how he pictured their first time at all. He wanted to look into her eyes, he was going to be gentle and slow. The brief fantasy however was enough to make him hard. Almost two weeks without sex started to take its toll. Sure, he jerked himself off now and then, but it wasn't the same as being inside someone. 

How much longer would she want to wait? Even a month was probably too optimistic. Waiting a month... Had he ever waited a month for someone? No way. It's not that it was that hard to resist other chicks; he still wasn't interested in anyone else. It however became harder and harder not to cross Jamie's borders.

"Come on, let's get you dressed." Jamie pulled the plug from the bath, waited until the water ran off and turned away from Tessa to grab a towel. From the corner of her eye she saw him, for a bright smile appeared on her face. 

"Hey handsome! How long are you standing there?"

"For a while. You look damn cute." He walked over to her, gave her a sweet kiss and glided an arm around her. 

With a fluffy towel she started to dry Tessa. Carefully she stroked the baby's little toes and fingers with the pink fabric and in the end she picked her up and laid her down at the changing table. 

Esai chuckled when she wanted to put the romper on. Standing behind her, he laid his hands on her hips. "You're not very experienced with babies, huh?" Dipping his head, he kissed the crook of her neck. 

She looked over her shoulder, insecure. "Is it so obvious?" She blushed. 

"I think my mom's gonna curse ya tonight if she finds out you forgot to put her a diaper on."

"O right." She giggled nervously. "She's already so big! I totally forgot."

He smirked, pulling her closer. "It will take at least another year before she's housebroken, and it will take another year before she isn't wetting her bed anymore."

He opened a drawer and handed her a diaper. His mom had probably planned to help once the conversation was over and left it to him now. He wrapped his arms around her waist again, whispering to her what to do. A little clumsily she lifted Tessa by her leg, shoving the diaper underneath her and fastening the glue strips.

"Hmm, you're going to be a great mom. I can already tell."

"But not yet, right? First I have to graduate and find a job!"

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