7 - Date Stress

544 36 23

"Hmm... you got plans for today?"

Daphne's head was lying on his chest, with her forefinger she drew circles around his belly button. He raked a hand through her golden locks. Her beauty still overwhelmed him, even when she was just awake she looked beautiful. 

"Dunno... Maybe I stop by at my place."


Juice suppressed a sigh because the atmosphere was changing immediately. He however didn't want to lie about it – he just wanted to go home whenever the hell he wanted, without having to answer for it. 

She had to feel his reluctance, for she turned and started to kiss his stomach. "Ain't this much better than go visiting that crazy chick?"

She trailed kisses down to his cock and slipped her tongue around it. 

"Can you please not talk about my crazy roommate when you're doing that?" The end of his sentence changed into a moan when she took him in her mouth completely. Breathing heavily he raised himself on his elbows so he could watch her. With mischievous eyes she looked up while giving him a hard suck. A little compelling his fingers glided through her hair, guiding her the way he liked it. 

While his climax was building up, his sight became blurry and in a flash the hairs tickling his thighs were pink and blue. 

"Oh fuck," he groaned when a wave of heat rushed over him as he imagined how Jamie would look up to him now. Vividly he could see his roommate looking up to him, licking his cum off her lips. 

'Am I doing it right, Juicy?'

His stomach cramped up as he heard her voice in his head, and a moment later he released into her mouth. Panting he fell back on the bed and closed his eyes, pretending to relax while in fact he didn't dare to look at Daphne. 

He had no idea where that fantasy had come from. He blamed Daphne; she was the one bringing up his roommate right before she started to suck him. He had no such feelings for his roomie, the idea alone was enough to fill him with shame. It felt wrong, especially because he knew those thoughts would shock Jamie. Maybe it was her virginity that let him stray into fantasy; that would stimulate the fantasy of every man. 

Daphne's lips on his distracted him. "And? Did I convince you to stay with me today?"

With a grin he kissed her back while his forefinger glided down her spine. "I don't like to be manipulated, ma'me." He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and looked her in the eye. "I just wanted to make sure she's okay. Last weekend she was alone too. Just come with me, we'll play some rounds of Mario Kart and leave after an hour..."

With a frustrated sigh Daphne lowered her head on his chest. "Okay fine. But damn, you really talk about her like she's your little sister who needs a babysitter."

Juice's throat felt dry. Those words worsened the shame he felt about his little fantasy. Still he kept his face blank and decided to leave her in that illusion. 

"Kinda feels that way." He shrugged his shoulders. "I remember how much I longed for a family when I arrived in Charming. If I can give her a little bit of comfort, it's a very small effort." He chuckled softly. "A cheerful Jamie is exhausting, but I'm really not interested in having a grumpy one around."

. . .

Right now Jamie was anything but grumpy. She was singing all day, a smile plastered to her face. Not five minutes passed without thinking about Esai; she pictured his enchanting eyes, that charming smile...

"Can you really believe he wants to see me again?" she asked the stuffed crocodile on her bed. "He's so handsome... and there were so many beautiful girls around!" Her fingertip traced her lips, which had been met with his briefly. 

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