35 - Dilemma

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Juice didn't mind to stay in his clubroom. Before looking for a roommate, he had spent a lot of time here because the silence at home was driving him crazy. Yet, he longed back to his apartment. Not because he missed his belongings, but because he missed Jamie. Her shower concerts, the hot chocolate she handed out at the most strange moments, her brightly colored socks that always caught the eye, her spontaneous laughter... He missed her so much that there was a pit in his stomach. But it was his own fault. He fucked up. He should have respected her relationship with Esai instead of trying to force them apart. And now, he had betrayed her trust. 

His phone buzzed. For a moment the hope that it was her flamed up. The past days they had seen each other, but never for long. The friendship that had grown between them, was bruised and it wasn't fixed that easily. He however thought the chance that it was her was little. It was probably Daphne. She had been pretty pissed after Jamie's birthday too, but after some steamy sex she'd forgotten about her anger. Not a strategy he could apply to Jamie as well, even if he wanted it so badly. Although Daphne and he were still sleeping together, there wasn't much left of their relationship and he wasn't in the mood to talk to her. However, she usually sent him a text. Pulling the device out of his pocket, he glanced at the screen. An unknown number. Frowning slightly, he took the call; perhaps it was Roman. 

"Yeah?" he said. 

It was silent for a while. 

"It's Esai," a muttering voice sounded. 

Juice stared forward in disbelief. Esai called him. He couldn't wrap his mind around it, especially since no insults followed. 

"Hey," he answered. 

Damn, this was awkward. Especially because Esai didn't start to talk right away. Why would that guy call him in the first place? Or...

"Did something happen to Jamie?"

"No," Esai answered quickly. 

No. So... why the hell was he calling? 

"You gonna say something?" Juice wondered as the silence continued. 

"I don't call you because you're such a cool guy," Esai snapped. He took a deep breath. "I'm in deep shit."

"That sucks."

What was he thinking? That Juice would help him out? They were still enemies. 

"In enough shit to be a danger to Jamie."

Now, the Mayan had his full attention. Anxiously he breathed in. "Is she with you now?"

"No, I've been tryin' to keep her away and that's what she should continue to do. Stay away. You know her. There's already been a shooting at my house, my ma ended up in the hospital and still, it didn't scare her away."

"No," Juice muttered. He'd heard what happened and she didn't love Esai any less. 

"I pissed someone off pretty bad and now she's a target, Juice. I gotta sever all ties and I need your help to do it — and to be there for her after I break her heart. I hate doin' this, but it's the only guarantee that she will live."

Esai's tone bothered him. "What are you plannin' to do?"

"You have to push her to come to the clubhouse. Offer to drop her off or something. I'll make sure she'll leave the place a few moments later — with a broken heart."

The words sounded harsh, but Esai's tone was anything but. Juice could hear how hard this was for him. Yet, Juice hesitated. "Why don't you tell her the truth?"

"You think that will keep her away?" Esai huffed.

"No," Juice admitted. "But..."

"Don't be so difficult! This is what you wanted all along, right? That I break her heart and that you can comfort her?"

The heat ascended to his cheeks. It was true — and it filled him with shame. He was the worst friend someone could think of. "I changed my mind."

But this defense sounded weak. Had he really changed his mind? If he was completely honest with himself; didn't he still believe that Jamie deserved better than Esai? That she belonged with the Sons and not with Esai and his asshole father? Juice's interest in her had always been genuine. For Esai, she was nothing more than a game that had gotten out of control. 

And that Esai wanted to play it like this and chose the easy way out, what did that say about their relationship? Juice bit his cheek. If he didn't grasp this chance, Jamie might be dead soon. And if he participated in Esai's plan, she might live and there was a chance that she would finally develop feelings for him. 

He was an idiot if refused to do this. 

"Fine," he said. "I will suggest to go to the clubhouse tomorrow night."

Without saying another word, Esai ended the call. 

With a sigh, Juice sank back onto the bed and stared at the ceiling. He still had a bad feeling about this. What if the break-up changed Jamie? If she loved that asshole so much that it would take months before she would smile again? What if he couldn't offer the comfort she needed because his own feelings were still in the way, because their friendship hadn't been restored yet? And what if she found out that he had been part of the plan? Wouldn't that ruin even more? 

But what if he didn't go along with Esai's plan? 

What if he told Jamie the truth and she still wanted to be with Esai, which would lead to her death? Would he ever be able to forgive himself? 

He didn't know.

In silence he cursed the Mayan for burdening him with a dilemma like this.


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