5 - Lost

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There were a lot of things that annoyed him. Her shower concerts, the socks that she left lying around everywhere, the abundance of flowers she took home and placed literally everywhere, her karaoke ritual at 9 AM, her indefatigable enthusiasm and her countless attempts to play games with him. Oh, and the fights with Daphne. She couldn't deal with her weird habits either. Last night she had freaked out because Jamie didn't lock the bathroom door because she was afraid there would be a fire that she would notice too late. He had shrugged, Daphne however had claimed that it was a silent invitation for him to join her while showering. That he hadn't the slightest interest to do so, just didn't seem to land. But Daphne was just the hottest girl in California; there was no way he was going to give her up for a shower with his crazy roommate. Even when he planned to do so, Jamie would probably hit him with shampoo bottles the moment he shoved the shower curtain to the side. Since she'd never had a real kiss, she sure as hell had never seen a naked guy. 

His thoughts made him smirk while he entered his apartment. Jamie had told him that she would have dinner with a friend she had met through her internship and that she would be home late, so Juice believed this was a good moment to clean up the mess before his home was really turning into a pigsty. Sighing, he looked at the six pairs of shoes lying around the coffee table, the glasses that were put down everywhere (without a coaster!) and she had forgotten to switch off half of the lights. 

Should he discuss this with her? Despite her antics she was a sweet girl and he didn't believe she did it on purpose. She wasn't that observant that she would conclude that he had OCD. Still he found it hard to bring it up – after all, he didn't even know if he wanted her to stick around at all. 

Despite the countless things that were bothering him, he disliked the current silence. There had only been three nights he had spent at home, especially because he hadn't want her to be alone every evening. Their nights had been nice, he had to admit; they had been talking on the balcony until 2 AM. Jamie had asked him bizarre questions, bringing up subjects he had never thought about, and especially while smoking some pot he had felt relaxed and enjoyed her company. 

He hadn't told Daphne. She was always tired after work; they watched a movie at most, often resulting in sex where after she fell asleep. Jamie was refreshing, open... a change of pace. He closed the dishwasher that he had filled during his analysis and turned it on. His conclusion: she wasn't as horrible as he had thought right after meeting her, even when some of her habits were really annoying. He however knew Daphne wanted her gone and the fact that he had some good conversations with her while being high, wouldn't exactly convince her to let the girl stay. She probably didn't even want him to get high when she was around – she didn't want him anywhere near her at all. 

With a sigh he tried to get rid of the heavy feeling in his chest. Maybe Daphne just needed a little more time to get used to Jamie. Maybe things would get better if they spent some time together, without him. Yeah, that might work. Once Jamie was back, he would subtly push her to do some girls stuff. 

. . .

Jamie was happy she had found a friend at her internship. Shanty was a year older than she, and since the moment her uncle had berated them when they had both been close to being driven up by an excavator they had been inseparable. She was glad she had found a friend so soon. The girls she had met in the clubhouse only talked about sex and Jamie had nothing to say about that; Daphne clearly didn't like her and most of the Sons were so... old. Juice's company sometimes was fun, but to call him a friend... that went a little too far. He still rather spend his time with other people and she still didn't feel very welcome. 

On Friday they were off early, and Jamie had went with Shanty to her house. They had made pizzas while doing a Disney marathon. They knew the movies by heart and were able to sing along with all the songs, and by trying out some weird voices they were both laughing until they were crying. 

"You know you can stay here tonight, right?" Shanty said after finishing dinner. "It's quite a trip with public transport. Although I don't know how late I will be home... But there are enough movies to watch!"

"Oh no, I'll be fine!" Swaying her hand, she dismissed the suggestion. "You have a date! Maybe you'll get along so well that you want to take him home – then I'm only a burden. I've already heard my roommate have sex this week, that doesn't need to turn into a habit."

Her cheeks flushed at the memory. Still she felt super dumb for opening the bedroom door when Juice had asked her if she wanted to join them. What the hell had she been thinking? Not for a second she had considered that he was joking. Naive as she was, she had thought they were playing some kind of game. Well – they had... just not the type of games she was used to play. In the dim light she had seen their sweating bodies; Daphne's hair sticking to her face and her breasts had been so perky and... perfect. She had felt a pang of jealousy. Not because she wanted to lay in bed with Juice herself, but because Daphne was a girl that could be on the cover of some fashion magazine. Nobody would ever see her if Daphne was around. 

"How is your roommate? You two getting along?" Shanta asked. 

"Eh – he's nice. Most of the days he isn't around and sometimes his girlfriend is acting like a bitch. He's in a motorclub."

"Oh – well you better be careful," Shanta muttered. "We got an MC here too, it's a bunch of unsavory people."

"Hmm... I like them. They know how to throw a good party." She glanced at her watch. "I think I should go, right? You have to fresh up."

The two girls said their goodbyes and Jamie wished her friend good luck. In a good mood Jamie started to look for the right bus. As usual, she walked into the wrong direction. After fifteen minutes she decided to use the navigation on her phone. With the device under her nose she tried to find the route, not paying attention to the ground. Tripping over a drain cover, she fell on the ground. Giving a little scream she let go of her phone, which crashed against the paving stones. 

"Oh no!" She got on her feet and grabbed her phone. 

It was broken. 

"Oh no! Shit shit shit!" She shook the device a few times, which obviously wasn't helping. With a sigh, she tucked away the phone in her pocket. 

For a moment she considered to return to her friend's house, but she knew in advance that she would never be able to find it back. Instead, she wandered through the streets, hoping to find the right bus stop. She asked some people how she could get to Charming, but their answers were vague. 

It had became dark, some buses didn't even go anymore. Since Charming wasn't exactly a vibrant city, she had a feeling she would strand somewhere in the middle of the night. She lacked cash to pay a cab, so she had to find an ATM first. 

Optimistically, Jamie walked on. Suddenly she passed some kind of bar with a row of bikes in front of it. On the wall was a large painting of a Mayan symbol. Close to the entrance were two men wearing kuttes, just like the Sons, so this had to be the MC her friend had mentioned. 

That was great! They would help her, right? Especially if she told them she knew the Sons. They could surely tell her how to get back to Charming – they must go to biker parties together or something. Enthusiastically she skipped towards the entrance of the clubhouse.

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