25 - Threat

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He was 26 – and still he felt like a teenager who didn't know how to tell his parents about his new girlfriend. His father would obviously see it coming and he was sure his mother would like Jamie. Still, he didn't know how to bring up the subject. In the end he decided to pick a moment when his father wasn't home, so he wouldn't have to see his disapproving face. 

He had sent his mom a text that he would be home for dinner tonight, knowing his father had a meeting. Patiently he waited until she was done pureeing little Tessa's meal, then he cleared his throat. 

She looked at him with a warm smile, as if she felt his hesitation. He fought the longing to drop his eyes and mess with his food, even though he didn't know where that urge was coming from. 

"I eh – I got an old lady," he blurted out. "I thought – maybe I can bring her home tomorrow?"

There was warmness in her eyes; a warmness mothers reserved for their children alone. He felt himself relax a little and rolled his tense shoulders. This was ridiculous. 

"Sure, I would love to meet her! What is her name?"


"Is she one of the club girls?"

He shook his head; the comparison made him smirk. "No, she's very innocent compared to those girls. I don't know – she's different from any girl I've ever met. I'm sure you like her, she's really sweet."

His cheeks flushed. Damn – he really sounded like a pussy. 

"Very innocent?" She gave him a teasing smile. "So she isn't the reason you spent a night in jail last Saturday?"

"She's the type of girl a man tries to impress by doing stupid things," he muttered. 

"I don't think that has a lot to do with the type of girl," she winked. "It is rather depending on your degree of infatuation."

Awkwardly, he rubbed his neck. "Whatever."

"I'm just teasing you. I'm happy for you, son. I would love to meet her. Where did you meet?"

"She walked into the clubhouse a while ago, looking for a ride because she'd missed the bus. I brought her home, gave her my number... We've been on a few dates and I dunno... we both wanted more."

"That doesn't sound like you," his mother said, softly laughing. 

He couldn't disagree with her. Looking back at his previous relationships, it had taken months before he wanted something serious. Maybe he'd grown up – or maybe it was just Jamie. The knowledge that her roommate had feelings for her too, had taken away the last bit of doubt. 

"She's very special," he shrugged. "She's a girl you meet once in your life." 

He bit the inside of his cheek, relieved his father wasn't listening in to this conversation. He would have been ashamed of him. 

. . . 

The place was so remote he immediately drew everyone's attention when he parked his bike next to the cars. He hadn't been to Jamie's internship before, but it had been quiet in the garage today and so he had decided to pick her up. He assumed she was a little nervous because she was going to meet his mother and he hoped to surprise her by showing up. 

Across a path that was eroded by many feet, he walked through the grass to a grey trailer. Under an umbrella a few young people were sitting around a table, leaving little indents on pottery shards by using white-out, to which they added a number. As soon as he caught their eye, they refrained from their activities and stared at him. Esai ignored them; he was used to people staring at him or even flinching as he walked by. 

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