14 - Trust

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A/N: At the end of the previous chapter I forgot to mention that Jamie sprained her ankle when she was running, so I added it haha. (: 

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"That fucking rain," Esai grumbled as he got off his bike, taking the helmet off his head. Despite the helmet, his hair was soaked. The water burnt in his eyes and he was convinced that even his boxers were soaking wet. 

Water splashed when Hector stepped in a mud puddle. He shivered. It was fucking cold and he wasn't dressed for this weather at all. Now he understood why some bikers wore protective clothing, although they always looked sissy. 

He tried to shake off the grimness, but the fact that it had taken three fucking hours to get that prick to talk had made him fucking annoyed. He couldn't stand the sight of blood as much as the others thought, and to hide his nauseousness he had ass whipped the asshole a little more than his intention had been. But well – the guy had talked. They now knew how the cops were able to confiscate a part of their drugs yesterday. They'd arrested Larry in the process, who was facing some serious charges now. It had been a fucking chaos the past days, he had the feeling he had barely slept. 

Hector wrapped an arm around his shoulders as they walked to the clubhouse. "A cerveza and a nice little puta works miracles, hermano."

A beer would do. He wasn't in the mood for some random chick, but he showed a wolfish grin nevertheless. Nobody needed to know that his feelings for Jamie were more serious than was required for the plan. He didn't feel like being teased by the others, nor was he looking forward to his father lecturing him that she wasn't made for this life. He already knew that. But he couldn't help it; she kept slipping into his thoughts, her smile was seared in his brain and he just loved being around her. Sure – since their first meeting he'd felt the chemistry between them, but he experienced that with a lot of girls. It was her connection to the Sons that had mattered, leading to his first date in years. Never had he expected to fall so hard for her; every time he thought about her, his heart was pounding like that of a teenager who was about to lose its virginity. The past days had been so chaotic that he hadn't even texted her, and the fact that she had neither texted him, bothered him a bit.

He entered the warmth of the clubhouse. Immediately it felt like his clothes were sticking even more to his skin. Before he got himself a beer, he wanted to head to his clubroom to take a shower and to get some dry clothes on. Before he could do so, someone grabbed his arm and he turned around. With raised eyebrows, he looked at Kevin's face. To his surprise, he was soaked as well. 

"Jamie was here, with Shanty. Suddenly she was gone, we're looking for her for half an hour now. I heard the bikes and figured it would be you, so I ran all the way back. 

"She's gone?" he repeated. "Why? What was she doin' here anyway?"

"Dunno, guess she wanted to surprise you. She was with a friend. She talked to that prick over there and later I heard she ran away in tears. Shanty went to the busstop immediately, but she wasn't there."

Esai gritted his teeth. "Who she been talkin' to?"


He knew enough. He walked over to the man, grabbed him by the collar and slammed him against the bar. Glass fell down tinkling. "What did you tell her."

"Told 'er nothing man."

Esai grabbed his shoulder and clenched his fist. "Don't lie to me or I'll make sure you're never gonna set a foot in Oakland again."

Danny looked at him with a sour face. Esai knew him for years. He was too stupid to become his friend, but most days they could get along. He however did suspect Danny to be jealous of him because of his kutte. The fact that he wasn't wearing one was his own fault; the guys believed he had potential, but since he blurted out whatever someone asked him when he was drunk, he was of no use to them. 

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