22 - Confrontation

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There wasn't much left of Jamie's fingernails by the time the doorbell rang. Juice still hadn't returned, although she wasn't sure whether it bothered her or not. She had imagined how he would respond if he entered the house and found Esai on the couch, but she didn't think it would differ much from his response when Esai showed up at the door. 

Either way, it was a bad idea. 

But Esai was right – they had to go through it. The sooner, the better. Somehow she however felt guilty for inviting Esai over while she knew Juice didn't want him around; at the same time she found their whole hostility exaggerated and she was mainly blaming Juice for it. 

She swung the door open. Immediately the smile returned to her lips; the moment she saw him, she was lost in those beautiful blue eyes. Only seconds later, she saw the roses he was holding in his hand. She blushed. 

"There's my girl," he said with a crooked smile. His free arm glided around her waist and he pulled her close, kissing her lips. 

Jamie felt her knees go weak now he stood so close to her his perfume was surrounding her. He smelled so good... And he tasted just as good, she realized when her tongue stroked his. It felt like there were small heat sources scattered across her body. Without moving her lips away from him, she stepped back. His feet bumped against her shoes, making him chuckle as he entered the house. 

"I'm surprised Juice isn't standing next to the door with a bat in his hands," he whispered.

Although the situation was anything but funny, his comment made her giggle. She just loved having him around; she felt better immediately. 

"He hasn't returned yet."

He dipped his head, kissing the side of her neck. His breathing tickled her skin, causing goosebumps all over her body. "Well, we should take advantage of his absence," he muttered.

Jamie was like languid clay in his hands; it didn't even occur to her that his might not be the best timing. She sighed with desire as his hand glided down her side, curving around her hip before it moved up again, cupping her breast. His lips gently sucked her skin. That he was leaving a mark on her, didn't cross her mind. Her hands roamed across his shirt through which she could feel his hard chest. He squeezed her breast, and when a moan was burning on her lips he took it away with his lips. He trailed kisses to her ear and whispered: "I can't wait to be alone with you tonight."

Her whole body was tingling. Every whisper, every touch of his lips, of his fingers, even of his breathing made her feel light in the head. She was afraid she would faint any moment. Oh, if Juice could only feel what she felt now, then he would know this wasn't some game; it felt like Esai's love for her was dripping from his skin. 

As if he sensed she couldn't take much more, he pulled back a little, stroking her cheek. 

"I'm glad I bought you roses, otherwise I might have stripped you down right here," he said with a smirk making all the butterflies in her stomach swirl around. Lifting his hand, he handed her the flowers.

Jamie had the feeling her face shared colors with the flowers. "Umm, thank you. That's... that's sweet."

Quickly she walked over to the kitchen, filling the sink with water and sticking the bouquet in it. Her thumb caressed the soft petals. Nobody had ever given her flowers. She turned around. Esai was strolling through the living room, his hands in his pockets. 

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