4 - Jealousy

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Sweat was beading on his flat chest. Daphne moaned, she was almost screaming in pleasure. Damn, he was such an animal in bed. Never before she had a lover like him. 

Suddenly, someone pounded at the door. "Hey! Could you please be a little quieter? I'm trying to sleep!"

With a frustrated grunt, Daphne bent her head until her forehead was resting against Juice's. That fucking bitch. Daphne had wanted to take her boyfriend to her apartment, but suddenly that bitch had complained that she was scared about sleeping alone in a strange house. And Juice was way too sweet, letting her pull stunts like that. 

"Then turn on some music if you don't like ours!" Daphne yelled over her shoulder. "Dumb cow," she mumbled. 

Juice chuckled in a way blazing the fire inside her. "You can join us too if you like?"

"Huh? But I thought..." Jamie's voice trailed off in confusion. 

The door was opened and Daphne jumped a little, being totally overwhelmed. She looked over her shoulder to the door; since she was sitting on Juice's lap that bitch wouldn't see him naked anyway. 

"Oh uh... you were exactly doing what I thought you were doing," the girl muttered. She was wearing a bright yellow Spongebob pajama, making Daphne cringe. "This uh... this isn't something I can participate in. It's more a two people thing."

"Nah, with a little bit of creativity we're gonna be fine," Juice said, sitting up a little straighter and winking to the blushing girl. "I'm kidding James. Go back to bed, Daphne will tone it down."

"Okay uhmmm... have fun?" she said a little awkwardly. Then she closed the door. 

Annoyed, Daphne turned to Juice. "You're serious? You want a fucking threesome with her?"

He wrapped his arms around her waist. "Not at all baby, I knew it would be the easiest way to scare her off. Before she would start some dumb story about my bedding or whatever boring subject." He kissed her bottom lip and jaw. "Hmm... Where did we leave off?"

Daphne kissed him back, aiming her attention to his hands cupping her breasts. It however was hard to return to her former mood. 

"This was a one-time thing," she grunted. "Next time we fuck at my place and we stay there until you've gotten rid of her."

He rolled her over and positioned himself between her legs. "I think it's exciting," he whispered against her lips. "At least it's something different..."

She gritted her teeth. There was a stinging sensation in her stomach – something convinced her that his invitation hadn't been a joke at all.

. . .

The next two days Daphne managed to keep Juice in her own apartment. When her shift in the lunchroom was over, she went to the clubhouse. She was always a little earlier done working than Juice and she loved to watch him work. Nothing was more sexy than his tensed muscles and the grease on his jaw. 

When he noticed her in the doorway, his face lit up as he flashed her a wide smile. However, only when he was done working he walked up to her and pulled her in a sweaty hug. 

"You're right in time to take a shower with me," he whispered in her ear.

Their fingers laced as they left the workshop and crossed the clubhouse to reach the dorm rooms. She tensed when her eye caught Jamie, who was sitting on the couch with Tig and Chibs. Although she was on the verge of asking what the hell that bitch was doing here, she swallowed her question in an attempt not to direct Juice's attention to her. Hopefully she would be gone once they were done showering. 

. . .

When they returned to the clubhouse after a steamy shower, Jamie however was still sitting on the couch. Juice walked straight towards her. "Hey! What are you doin' here?" The surprise in his voice sounded genuine. 

"Oh, hi!" Jamie waved enthusiastically at him. "I was bored. So I thought: it's time to make some friends!"

She grinned at Tig. Daphne snorted; it wasn't hard to understand what he was hoping for. He wanted to shove his dick in every freak he could find. 

"Secretly she's looking for an Old Man." With a smirk, Tig wrapped an arm around her shoulders. 

Daphne felt Juice's arms tense and looked to the side. His protectiveness was kinda hot – but not when it was about Jamie. 

"Oh, you can be my Old Man, Tiggy! I have no daddy. Maybe you could even adopt me! That would be so cool!"

"He means a different type of Old Man, James," Daphne answered, smiling sweetly at the girl. "The type you have sex with. You know, like Juice is my Old Man."

"Oh." She scrunched her nose. "No, eek! You're so old! You're more daddy material!"

"So you don't have a dad?" Juice asked, sitting down next to her and smoothly leading the topic away from sex with Tig. 

"Well, not really. I have two mothers. And a sperm donor of course, but I don't know who that is." She shrugged her shoulders. "But I've always wanted a dad!"

Right. She was raised by lesbiennes. Well, at least that explained a little why she was so weird. Although there was no doubt in her mind that she'd hit the ground a few times too when she was just born. 

"You come home tonight, Roomie?" Jamie asked. "I'm so easily bored when I'm alone."

"Maybe you should get yourself some friends," Daphne suggested not very subtly. 

"Tomorrow my internship starts, then I'll meet new people! I'm so excited!" She clapped her hands. Her enthusiasm made her voice shriller and Daphne squinted her eyes a little. 

"What internship ye gonna do, lass?"

"An excavation!" Her eyes were beaming. "We're gonna excavate a cemetery, it's super exciting for we don't even know from which culture!"

She was going to dig up skeletons. Of course she was. 

Why was she even surprised? 

"Huh? I thought you were studying architecture?" Juice leaned forward a little , looking genuinely interested. 

"No, my brother did that. He knows nothing about archaeology, so he must have been afraid to spill the beans once you would start to ask questions." She laughed. "I just graduated as an archaeologist a few weeks ago. Well, my bachelor, I want to do some more fieldwork before I sign up for a master. And my uncle leads the excavation, so this was a great opportunity!"

Jamie had obviously attracted the attention of the men; they all started to ask her questions and a little jealous, Daphne leaned back in the couch. 

She couldn't remember the guys had ever asked her a question about her work. 

Not even Juice. 

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