8 - Restless

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Even though it was warm outside, he had pulled a hoodie over his kutte. He didn't like to hide who he was, but riding through Oakland with the Reaper on his back was asking for trouble. The last thing he wanted, was attracting the attention of the Mayans. 

As they were nearing the city, Jamie's grasp around him tightened. He felt how nervous she was and without really thinking about it, he brushed his thumb across her knuckles to calm her down. The ease with which he made that gesture shocked him and quickly he moved his hand back to the handlebars. That daydream of yesterday was still messing with his head. He hoped it wouldn't become a habit, for he already noticed how different he looked at her. There was no way to deny it; that dress hadn't left much to his imagination and it had made him hard as hell.

The memory triggered the same reaction in his pants and he shifted a little uncomfortably. 

He felt relieved when he arrived at the busstop where her date would pick her up. A little stiff she glided off the bike, after all it had been a long ride. Now he was standing here, he regretted not taking the car. Sons of Anarchy was painted on the side of his bike, which he tried to hide by remaining seated. Luckily his helmet took away his tattoos from sight. Even if he would walk into a Mayan, he hoped it was clear that he wasn't here to provoke anyone.

His eyes glided to Jamie, who was nervously picking her hair while looking through the street. It looked cute, he had to admit. He was curious to the type of guy she'd fallen for. 

It didn't take long before a man walked over to them and wrapped an arm around Jamie's waist. "Hey babe." He kissed her cheek, then he looked up to Juice and smirked. There was a provoking glance in his eyes, as if he wanted to encourage Juice to speak up. 

"Umm, this is Esai," Jamie said. 

Juice nodded slowly while he studied the man's face. His dark hair had been combed to the right and looked a bit messy, and from below thick eyebrows he stared back at Juice. His eyes were dark brown, almost black. In his right ear he was wearing an earring. 

"And this is Juice, my... ride," Jamie said when he didn't introduce himself. 

"Okay... Juice."

Esai's lips curled into a mocking grin. Juice wanted to pull Jamie on his bike again and leave, he had a bad feeling about the guy but it wasn't like he could really say something about it. However, as hyperactive as she had been before, she clearly felt awkward now and she didn't look as much in love as he had expected. 

"Give us a minute, then I'll take off," he told Esai. 

"Whatever." The Hispanic guy stepped back and lit a cigarette. 

His nonchalance made Juice's blood boil. Ever since he was a Son, punks like he barely dared to look at him. 

Jamie came closer and looked questioning at him with her large, blue eyes. 

He wasn't sure how to put this bad feeling into words. "Is everything all right? You don't look so happy," he asked, worry lacing his voice.

She shrugged her shoulders. "I'm just nervous. It will get better."

"Okay... Just call me if you need me, okay?"

She nodded.

He feigned a smile. "Have fun."

"Thank you!" Her old enthusiasm returned and she gave him a hug. For a moment his forehead leaned against hers, and as if a part of him wanted to claim her, he kissed her cheek. Or at least that was his intention, Jamie however turned her head a little so his lips ended upon the corner of her mouth.

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