13 - Disappointments

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Absently, Juice's fingers raked through her pink and blue strands. They felt softer than Daphne's hair, who always sprayed it with a lot of stuff. They were watching a movie, although Jamie's eyes had dropped a while ago. The short night and the emotions as a result of it, had exhausted her. She had placed a cushion on his lap, resting her head on it while looking at the tv, but it hadn't helped her to stay awake. He neither paid attention to the movie. She'd wanted to watch Ice Age and he'd seen that movie more than enough. He rather watched her peaceful face. Her bottom lip was a little fuller than the upper one, she had an upturned nose and a birthmark above her left eyebrow. She was pretty – like really pretty. Her beauty was more subtle than Daphne's; she always drew all attention to herself. Jamie's beauty seemed more hidden, but now he'd seen it, it gave him a dry mouth and it was really hard not to caress her face. He imagined how the pressure of her lips would feel against his, how he would softly suck her bottom lip, how her breathing would falter. The thoughts made him hard, and the fact that her face was so close to his dick wasn't helpful either. 

To distract his thoughts from the things he wanted to do with her, he thought back to the conversation he'd had with Roman last night. He had sent him a text that she'd come home, but if it was up to him, their conversation wasn't over. He needed to know more about that mysterious tattoo and the people who had an interest in it. His glance glided across the dress she was wearing. Somewhere underneath the fabric the ink was hidden, for he hadn't seen the tattoo yet. Soon he caught himself not imagining the ink on her skin, but her curves and her gleaming skin. His thoughts started to drive him crazy and he decided it was time to create a little more distance between them. Apparently, no sex in 24 hours brought him in a weird mood. 

"Hey James... Why don't you go to bed?" Softly, he shook her shoulder. 

Slowly she opened her eyes; she muttered something inaudible and fell asleep again. Carefully he lifted her head and moved from underneath her, then he lifted her up. Between her eyelashes she looked up to him, she wrapped her arms around his neck and nestled her head against his chest.

On a whim he pressed a kiss in her hair, smelling her shampoo, before he laid her down on the bed and loosened her arms from around his neck. 

"Stay with me," she muttered. 

Juice had just wanted to stand up, but her words made him freeze. Did she really want him to stay? That wasn't very brotherlike, right? He didn't think it was wise, so he pulled the blanket over her. When he wanted to leave, her fingers laced with his.

"I'm so tired... But stay with me... Stay with me again Esai..."

Juice tensed at the mentioning of what felt like his rival by now. She had really been pulled into her dream world. He didn't answer, and when she seemed asleep he stepped away from her, feeling a nasty sting in his stomach. He just hoped Esai wasn't as much of an asshole as he feared, but he was really afraid he would cause the girl a lot of heartache. If it had been a simple college boy he would've had some words with him, but the arrogance that had radiated from the man's face was still etched in his mind. A talk with him wouldn't make a difference.

Back in the living room he glanced at the clock. It was 11:15 PM, he believed that was still a reasonable time to call. At least it was better than 3 AM. 

"Hey, you're not going to tell me you lost sight of my little sister again, right?" Roman started after taking the call. 

"No, she's home. She's sleeping. But you gotta tell me about the ink, about that organisation that's after her."

It was silent for a while. "It's safer for her if you don't know anything about it, Juice. Forget I ever mentioned it. The people who knew about it are dead."

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