15 - Tortolitos

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His chest rose and fell underneath her head. She listened to his heartbeat while his fingers glided through her hair. Every time his fingertips lightly touched her skin, it sent a wave of goosebumps across her arms. It had been a while since they had spoken, but she liked the silence. It made her more aware of his touches, his scent, his presence. 

A knock on the door ended the peaceful moment. "Es?" It was Kevin. "We have her clothes."

"We?" he muttered. "I guess Danny isn't the only one tryin' to get something new in his bed." He got up and looked at her. "You wanna change so we can go to the clubhouse or do you wanna stay here?"

"We can spend some time with them," Jamie answered. "After all, they've been looking for me in the pouring rain."

Esai showed her a grin. "Kevin is a prospect. If I tell him to sit in a puddle of mud for 24 hours, he will." He headed to the door, talked briefly with his friend and took the clothes.

Jamie pulled the simple black sweatpants over the boxers and chose Esai's shirt over Shanty's. Since her shoes and socks were still soaked, she walked to the door barefoot. Her ankle still hurt, but as long as she moved carefully she thought she could deal with the pain. 

Before she reached the door, Esai pulled her in his arms. He caressed her cheek as he looked her in the eye. His glance was so intense it made her blush. 

"Once we're in the clubhouse, I will tell 'em you're mine. Don't get scared, we'll do it in our own good time but I gotta make sure no one's gonna bother you like Danny did and the only way I can is by tellin' 'em you're mine. You okay with that, chiqui?"

His blue eyes seemed to see so much more than her eyes alone. Butterflies swirled through her stomach. "I wanna be yours already," she whispered, hypnotized by the breathtaking blue she was staring into. "I don't wanna be anyone's but yours."

"Oh Jamie..." His arms glided around her and he gave her a slow kiss. Immediately she got carried away by his lips. Tinglings shot through her body like little bolts of lightning, illuminating even the farthest corners of her body. "You're way too sweet. I like you so much." His forehead rested against hers. "But first talk to your friend okay? And wait to see how you feel tomorrow. I just don't wanna rush things, you have to be hundred percent sure you want to be mine."

The more he said, the more confident she was about her feelings. He was the perfect mix between sweet and tough, between careful and risky, between mysterious and open. She knew what she wanted, but she nodded nevertheless. Haste was never a good thing. Even though her heart had already decided for her, there was no harm in keeping it to herself a little longer.

He gave her another small kiss before he took her hand in his, squeezing it while he smiled at her. Jamie almost forgot how to breathe; it felt like her feet barely touched the ground as they left the room. 

"I will introduce you to my old man first," Esai said as they entered the clubhouse. She had already seen his father the first time she'd been here, although she hadn't known they were family. "This is Jamie, mi ángel."

Her cheeks flushed as he called her his angel. Reluctantly she pulled her hand away from his to offer it to his father, but he pulled her into a hug immediately. His mustache tickling her cheek as he kissed it. 

"I'm Marcus. Bienvenido a la familia,"  he said. 

Shyly, she looked away. That had been quick. Despite his status as the president of a motorclub, he had a warm expression; very different from Clay. 

"Thank you," she said softly. "I uh... I don't know a word of Spanish."

"Gracias," Esai whispered in her ear, his hand on her hip. The Spanish whisper made her shiver, it sounded so hot. 

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