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"Have a good weekend, Vee." Luke waved as I walked out. I get into my car, slinging my backpack in the passengers seat. I sat there for a minute, thinking about how I need to get my song done.

I finally start my car and drive to my apartment. Once there, I grab my bag and start walking to my apartment. As I press the button to the elevator, I wait for it to start.

It opens up to Colby and a blonde hair guy around his height. "Hey." He smiled as I did the same. He stopped in front of me which weirded me out at first.

"Have you met Sam yet?" He asked as I shook my head no. "Well, Sam this is my neighbor Vee. Vee this is my best friend, Sam." He said introducing us.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you." I smile as he does the same. "I'll talk to you later." I watch him walk out as the elevator door shut again.

I groan as I push the button again. It takes me up to my floor and I go into my empty apartment. I instantly go into my music loft so I could finish this song.

I know I have all weekend to finish it, I just wanna get it over with. After a few hours, I finally finish it. I go into my kitchen to get a bottle water when I hear knocking on my door.

I go to open to see Colby standing there smiling. "I never really got to thank you for helping me the other day when I was bringing everything in." He was surely confident in himself.

"Yeah, it's no problem even though all I did was bring a bag full of clothes up." I say propping my door open. "Still, I wanna take you out to coffee tomorrow if you're free." He said catching me off guard.

I stand there for a second, thinking if I should go or not. I do like coffee. And he does seem nice. "Okay, sure. What time?" I ask as he grabs his phone.

He then hands it to me but I just look at it, then back at him. "Put your number in it." I hesitated at first, but I do end up giving him my number. I give his phone back to him as he smiles.

"I'll take you out for coffee tomorrow." After that was said, he walked to his apartment, leaving me at my door. I just stood there, not knowing what to say. I just shook it off and closed my door.

I go into my room and but on red and black plaid pajama pants and a black shirt. It was ten thirty on a Friday night and I had nothing to do but watch a movie.

I put on Black Mirror as I look over at the picture frame on my night stand. It's of Brandon and I from the summer he passed away. We were smiling and happy. I miss him so much. I look back over at my screen and watch Netflix. After a couple episodes, I ended up falling asleep.

I woke up to text messages from Colby saying he'll take me out to coffee around noon. I look at the clock to see it's eleven. I get up and get into the shower. Once I wash everything, I go into my room and find something to wear.

I put on a maroon crop top, a dark flannel, and short shorts. As I was straightening my hair, I heard knocks on my door. Is it noon already? I walk to the door and open to see Colby standing there. He was wearing all black with a beanie. "You ready?" He asked as I grabbed my keys.

I followed him to the elevator in silence, not knowing what to say. "I like the fit." He said complimenting me. I smile lightly as I thank him. "Are we driving together or separate?" I ask when we got to the lobby. "I'll drive, it can be my treat." He smiled as I followed him.

He walked up to a red Toyota Corolla which caught me off guard at first. I didn't expect him to drive that type of car. I get into the passengers seat as he buckles in. "What type of music do you want to listen to?" He asked plugging his phone up to the aux. "Anything but country." Country was the worst, Brandon and I would always shit on it.

"I got you then. I'll introduce you to some music." He said playing some alternative music. The drive to the coffee shop wasn't that bad. I just looked out the window while lisenting to the music. Once there, we walked in and ordered what we wanted.

"I'll wait here, you can go find us a spot." He smiled as I went to find a table. I found a table away from everyone and it was near a window. As I waited, I tapped my fingers on the table, looking out the window. It was a pretty day in Los Angeles. After a minute, Colby came and sat down in front of me.

"Here is your iced coffee." He smiled as I started sipping on it. "So tell me Vee, why did you move to Los Angeles?" He asked as I sighed. I didn't want him to know about Brandon just yet. I don't know if I can trust him.

I have to go slow at first, then when I feek comfortable, I'll tell him. "I wanted to be a dj so after graduation, I flew out here and been here since." I explained as he nodded. "Have you made any songs?" He asked drinking his coffee. "I guess you could say that." I shrug to him.

I wanted to get the topic off of me so I tried to think of other things. "Are you from here?" I ask sipping on my drink. "No, I'm actually from Kansas. Sam and I did vine and got really big so when we both graduated we came out here too. We make youtube videos now." He explained, I would've never thought he was from Kansas.

"I'm gonna have to watch them one day." I smile as he does the same. I wasn't lying, I want to get to know him more. His phone started ringing as he looked down to grab it. He sighed when he picked up. "It'll just be a second, I'm sorry." He said standing up.

I watched him walk out of the coffee shop while he picked up the call. I could tell he looked aggrivated when he answered. Maybe he was in an argument with somebody. I was trying to read his facial expressions but it was really difficult.

I didn't want to stare so I turned to the window I'm next to. I look at all the cars drive by, thinking about how they're just living their lives. Dealing with their own problems. After a minute, I heard the door open so I look over to see who it was. Colby was walking towards me looking super stressed out.

"I'm sorry, that was my girlfriend." Girlfriend? That would've been nice to know, at least I kept my guard up when we were talking. It's understandable though, he's an attractive person so of course he would have a girlfriend.

"It's okay, is everything okay?" I ask as he shakes his head. "It's no big deal." He shrugged it off as he sipped on his drink. He told me how he lived in a house full of guys before he moved into the apartment. He seemed like a pretty cool guy. After we get done with our drinks, he drives us back to our apartment complex.

"Thanks for the coffee. You really didn't have to pay for it." I say when we get to my door. "It's no problem. I had fun." He ssaid walking up to his door and unlocking it. I walk into my apartment, trying to figure out what to do next.

As I sit on my couch, I think about how Colby has a girlfriend. What a lucky girl she must be.

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