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I was currently in my apartment hanging out with Brennen. He was sitting on my counter eating grapes as I cleaned out my fridge. I haven't spoken to Colby since he called last night and I didn't want to go into work so I've been hanging out with Brennen.

"I think you should talk to him though." Brennen said sticking a grape in his mouth. "I don't want to because I know I'm gonna get hurt." I say turning to him.

"You don't know why he was over there though." He's been trying to talk me into talking to Colby even though I don't want to. "Why else would he be over at her house that late Brennen? And I don't wanna talk about this anymore." I roll my eyes as I start cleaning.

I then hear a knock on my door making me turn to Brennen. "Stay right there." I warn him as I walk to my door. I open it to see Colby's sad face looking down at me. "Can we talk?" He asked as I sighed and stepped out into the hallway.

"Just so you know, nothing happened between Gemma and I last night." He said when I closed my door. "What happened is that you went to her house in the first place and you lied." I try to stay calm as he looks at me.

"I went to her house to tell her things were over, don't you believe me?" He asked keeping his voice low. "I don't wanna be the second best Colby." I say honestly.

"You don't get it. My feelings for you are true." He said as I crossed my arms. I have no idea if I should trust him or not. "This kind of stuff might not be a big deal to you but to me it is." I could tell he was trying to keep his cool so the neighbors wouldn't hear.

"Who says this isn't a big deal to me?" He asked defending himself. "Says you being at Gemma's. Why don't you just go home?" I ask getting frustrated. "Can we just go inside and talk about this?" He asked as I heard my front door open up.

I told Brennen to stay. "She told you to leave, Colby." He said coming out and joining us. That's when Colby started looking in between us two. "Brennen I'm fine, go back inside." I said as he stood close to me.

"What are you doing here?" Colby asked as we stayed quiet, not knowing what to say. "You push me away when I make one mistake but you come running straight to Brennen? I was there for you when no one else was." Colby said jealous. He's seriously jealous of Brennen? One of his best friends?

"She needed me when you were off in Gemma's house doing god knows what. And she's pushing you away cause of her trust issues." Are they actually fighting over me? This is too much.

"Stop it. Come inside." I say as we all walk into my apartment. "Colby, why didn't you tell me you were at Gemma's telling her it was over? And why'd you have to tell her anyway?" I ask as he sighs. "Because she kept texting me and I didn't want you to get mad." He defended himself as I look over at Brennen.

"Can we talk alone?" I ask Brennen as he nods his head yes. "I gotta take care of Kobe. Don't hurt her again, Colby." He said as Colby nodded his head.

Brennen left us alone so we could talk it out. "Why'd you try to push me away?" He asked in a softer tone, realizing he hurt me. "I felt like I was a rebound. Like nobody wanted me." I honestly say as he sighed.

"You weren't a rebound. I actually like you for you Vee. I don't understand where you're coming from by that? I don't see where I became nobody." Colby told me, leaning back against the wall. Where was he going with this?

"I mean, in my eyes I'm somebody. In my eyes I'm somebody important and my opinions matter. But I am pretty stupid." He lightly said looking down at the ground.

"But I'm definitely not nobody. So when you tell me nobody wants you that hurts. I don't see how you can say that when there's someone fighting for you everyday. Right in front of you." My heartbeat rose when he was telling me all of this.

"So if you can't hear me when I tell you that you matter, maybe now you will hear me. I am not no one so do not say no one wants you cause I want you and I fight for you, every day."

"I think about you every day and I wonder how you're doing because I can't be there for you all the time. But that doesn't mean I'm nobody."

"And you know, the person who says nobody cares about them, has the most people caring about them. That's the person I've been fighting for, the person who says that nobody cares about them when someone cares about them."

"You told me that nobody wanted you. I get that. But then you go around and act like there's no happiness or love. I know that's a lie."

"I know happiness and I know love. You know it too but you're too blind. Okay does it sound like I'm being really harsh right now? That's called tough love, get it through your head, it's real."

"And it's right in front of you. I recognize happiness but somethings happened along the way and you no longer see it's possibility. Don't tell me there's no happy endings because you are not God, you cannot see the end of your book."

I would be lying if I did I wasn't crying at the speech he was giving me. I've never had someone fight for me like this.

"I'm sorry I tried to push you away, I just didn't want to get hurt." I say as Colby walks over to me and wraps his arms around me. We stand there, holding each other for what seems like hours.

There's something about Colby that attracts me to him.

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