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"Hey bitches!" Brennen said as we met up with him at the airport. "How was Hawaii?" He asked as Colby and I looked at each other.

We haven't told anyone about the kiss yet cause we don't want everyone making a big deal. "It was good. I just wanna have pizza night cause I'm starving." I say as they both smile.

We didn't get on our flight til one Hawaii time and it was a five hour flight so it was nine at night California time while it's currently six Hawaii time.

Brennen drives us to our apartment and parks right beside my car. Before we go into pizza night, we put our stuff into our apartment. I'm so ready to see everyone again, I've missed them all.

We walk in to everyone chatting amongst themselves. I saw Tara look over and instantly smile when we made eye contact. "They're back!" She cheered making everyone look at us.

They all welcomed us back which made me smile. "How was Hawaii?" Kat asked as I grabbed a couple slices of pizza. Colby was talking to Jake and Sam as I moved to the couch next to Tara and Kat.

"It was really fun honestly. I'm glad I went back." I bite into the pizza. "Did anything happen between you and Colby?" Tara smirked as I lightly smile. I look over at Colby to see him glancing over at me.

He winked when we made eye contact. "No. Nothing happened." I say to the girls. They pouted as I continued to eat. I haven't ate since this morning when I left my parents house.

"You guys would be cute." Kat pouted as I shrugged. There were a chorus of laughter where the guys were making us look over. I've really missed these people the past couple of days.

As Colby and I were walking back home, we held hands. We were in the talking stage and I felt happy to say we were. When we got to our apartments, we turned and looked at each other. "See you tomorrow after work?" He asked smiling at me.

"Of course, I'll text you." I tell him as he bent down and kissed my cheek. We part ways and go into our apartments. I instantly lay down from the jet lag and fall asleep.

The next morning, I change into a striped shirt with shorts and a beanie. I drive myself since my hand is basically healed up. I couldn't wait to see Luke again. When I get there, Luke was waiting inside for me. "There she is!" Luke said making me smile.

I wrap my arms around him and give him a big hug. "I've missed you dork." I tell him honestly. "You look so much happier, are you two together?" He asked knowing Colby went with me. I roll my eyes as I smile while walking towards the sound booth. Leonard was in there scrolling through this phone.

"No, we're not together." I say getting Leonard's attention. "You're back. It was boring without you. There was no drama." I just gave Leonard a look as I took a deep breath.

"You two were at Hawaii and didn't fall in love? Wow." Luke said crossing his arms. "Well, there is something." I could feel my face blush up just thinking about it.

His eyebrows rose as he waited for me to tell him. "We're kinda talking." I say quietly. A smirk formed on his lips while he nodded his head. "Oh hell yeah. No wonder why you look so much happier." I look over to the door to see Gemma listening in.

Good thing we never said his name. Work wasn't bad though. I missed hanging out with everyone. Colby said he had to run some errands which I didn't mind because I got some alone time.

As I was catching up on my shows, I got a text from Colby telling me to meet him at an address he had sent. I've recognized that address somewhere.

I instantly get up and walk to my car. "Hey Vee, you okay?" Sam asked walking towards his apartment. I take a smile as I nod my head towards him. "Yeah, I'm fine." We kept walking, me trying to get to my car as fast as I could.

When I get into my car, I drive to this address that I had memorized. I knew I had seen it somewhere. This was fucking Gemma's house. Colby had texted me and told me to meet him in the back so I did what I was told.

When I walked around back, I saw something I couldn't believe. Colby was sitting on her bed as they sat there talking. They were super close to each other. I couldn't believe it.

I knew I was a rebound, right from the start. He was only using me to not think about Gemma. I had to get out of there before they saw me. I went into my car and sat there in silence.

I hate myself for letting him in. Tears filled my eyes as I felt a rock in my throat. That's when I called the only person I thought I could call.

"Hey, what's up hot stuff?" Brennen asked when he answered. "Can I come over? I need someone to talk to." My voice sounded rough from trying to keep the tears in. "Of course, come over right now." He said as I hung up.

I started my car and drove away from Gemma's. I kept blinking away my tears as I drove to Brennen's apartment. On the way there, I got so many calls from Colby but I let them all go to voicemail.

Brennen let's me inside as I'm welcomed by Kobe, his dog. "What's wrong?" He asked as I sat down. "Colby said he was running errands but then I got a text from him telling me to meet him somewhere and it was Gemma's house. They were together Bren. He had told me how he liked me in Hawaii." I explain letting a few tears run down my face.

He wrapped his arms around me so I could feel safer. "Do you want me to do something about it?" He asked rubbing my arm. "I hate how I let him in Brennen. I knew I was a rebound." I say crying.

"They could've been talking about anything. It's hard to tell." He told me as I wiped my eyes. "How stupid am I?" I ask still feeling down. He lightly smiled as he stood up. "Stay here for the night. It's late and I don't want you driving home when you're upset." He said getting pillows and blankets.

I look down at my phone to see Colby calling again. I roll my eyes as I answer it. "Thank god you're okay, why aren't you answering?" He said worriedly as I thought of a good reason but I couldn't think of anything. "I don't think I can do this Colby." I say honestly.

"What do you mean? Vee, talk to me." He begged as I started to feel shaky. "I know you were at Gemma's. I don't like being lied to." Colby went silent on the other end. "Vee, let me explain." He sounded so upset, I don't wanna hurt him, but he hurt me.

"I'm sorry, but I can't right now. I just wanna be alone." I wait for him to answer as Brennen walks up with a pillow, blanket, and extra clothes. "Don't push me away. Please don't." He begged as I shook my head and ended the call.

"I'm sorry, Vee." Brennen said handing me the stuff. I lightly smile as I take it from him. "Don't be. Thanks for letting me stay here." I smile as he did the same. "Just try to rest." He told me before walking into his room.

I should've known this was gonna happen.

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