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It's been a week or two since I hung out with everyone and I can honestly say that Colby and I have become close friends. There are a few things I've kept hidden still but it'll be okay.

I've also grown closer to Brennen but I'm not as close to him. Brennen and I were hanging out, trying to figure out what to do. "We could hang off your balcony." He suggested. "Are you asking for death?" I ask making him laugh.

"Do you want to go to an abandoned place, we can take Colby." He suggested making me sit up from the couch. "Is that legal for Colby?" I ask knowing he got arrested from trespassing.

He sighed as he bounced a bouncy ball. "We could walk to suicide bridge." He suggested. I've never heard of that place. "What's suicide bridge?" I ask as he looks at me.

"You don't know suicide bridge?" He asked as I shook my head no. He explained how there's a bridge in Pasadena and it's known for all the deaths.

He mentioned how a mom threw her baby off the bridge but the baby ended up surviving. I agree even though the whole thing seemed sketchy.

I put my vans on as Brennen grabbed his keys. We walk over to Colby's apartment to see if he wants to come. We knock on his door and wait for him to come.

The opens to a shirtless, sleepy Colby. I looked at it for a second before bringing my eyes back to his sleepy face. "You wanna come to suicide bridge with us?" Brennen asked as Colby rubbed his eyes.

"When?" He asked in a deep and raspy voice. "Now." I say as he looks at me. He shrugs as he goes and puts a shirt on. He puts shoes on and we head towards Brennen's truck outside the lobby.

As we were driving, it was getting dark. "I hope you don't mind if we play the Oujia board." Brennen asked looking over at me. I looked at him like he was stupid.

"So you want to attach demons to yourself? And you suggested to hang off my balcony, you're just asking to die." I say making a joke.

We get to the bridge and park a minute or two away. By the time we got there, it was dark. When we got to the actual bridge, we sat down on the sidewalk, placing the board in the middle of us.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" I ask sitting in front of it. "We've done this before, it'll be okay." Colby reassured me.

I put my two fingers on the planchette as they do the same. I can't believe I'm doing this. We spun the planchette in three circles so we could start it. "Demons of the underworld, I summon you." Brennen said rolling his eyes to the back of his head.

"Ew, does he do that every time?" I ask Colby as he slowly nods his head. "Is there any spirits here willing to talk to us?" Colby asked it went straight to yes.

"That was so fast." I say, my heart starting to race. "How old were you when you passed away?" Brennen asked as it started moving. It told us that it was seventeen.

"Vee, you can ask a question." Colby looked at me as I tried to think of something. "What's your name?" I ask the first thing that came up to my head. It went to the b first. And then it went to r, and after that it went to the a. When it was done, it ended up spelling out 'Brandon.'

It felt like my soul left my body. "You okay?" Colby asked as I tried to breathe. "You look pale." Brennen said as I collected my thoughts. "How'd you die?" I ask as it started moving.

It ended up spelling out 'car wreck' which fucked me up. "Colby, are you moving it?" I ask looking at him. He shook his head no as I started to tear up.

"Is your last name James?" I ask as it moved down to yes. "What's going on?" Brennen asked as I couldn't believe it. "If this is the Brandon I know, what's my actual name?" I ask as it starts moving to the V.

It spelt out Venus so I knew it was actually him. "Your name is Venus?" Brennen asked as Colby punched his arm and told him to shut up.

"I miss you." I said as I waited for it to move. It told me it missed me too. "Are you safe?" I ask as it moved down to the yes.

"Are you talking to Brandon right now?" Colby asked as I shook my head yes as it moved to the yes. "I don't wanna play anymore." I say upset.

"I'm not trying to be mean Vee, but are you sure you're actually talking to whoever it is?" Brennen asked, I mean it was a good point. "Here, I got a question. Brandon, is there a heaven?" Colby asked as it went to the no.

"We gotta say goodbye." We all said goodbye as we took our fingers off. "What does that mean?" Brennen asked as I stood up and walked away.

"Vee? Where are you going?" Colby asked as I kept walking. I went to where the bridge ended and sat by myself. Was that really Brandon or a demon trying to mess with me?

I heard footsteps behind me but I didn't bother to look up. I felt someone sit next to me, still not knowing who it was.

"Are you okay?" Colby asked as I looked at him with sad eyes. "He died from a car wreck. I was there with him. We were coming back from night surfing." I start explaining it to him as he listened.

"We got hit at a red light and then got hit by a semi. When the car was done flipping over, I crawled out and made my way over to him. He was in worse shape than I was." I explain remembering the details.

"He told me to not leave him and I promised. But I passed out from everything and woke back up in the ambulance. I looked over and there he was, lifeless." A few tears rolled down but I didn't care to wipe it.

"He died in my arms when I was passed out. I pushed everyone out of my life after it happened. I was the school popular to the schools outcast. I miss him so much." I start to cry as he wraps his arms around me.

"He's in a better place now. Whoever we were talking to, wasn't Brandon because it was an evil spirit. And you know how I know that? Because a spirit that tells you that there's not a heaven, is an evil spirit." He explain while rubbing my back. "I just don't want I get hurt again." I say honestly.

"With me around, I won't let anyone hurt you."

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