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I woke up to a bunch of muffled screams and thuds which made me mad because I had to work in the morning. I check the time and it was two in the morning. I decided to get up and see who was arguing.

I put my ear against the wall so I could hear everything. I hate to eavesdrop but I wanna know what woke me up. "Why are you mad at me, I didn't do anything." I hear a girl argue. "I'm mad because you lied, again. Gemma, you know how I feel about that." I'm guessing Colby's girlfriends name is Gemma.

"I didn't fucking lie to you. You're such a piece of shit." I pull my ear away just in case things got bad. I went into my kitchen and got water from my fridge. I heard his door open and shut so I'm guessing she left.

I'm gonna make sure he's okay. I walk out of my apartment and quietly knock on his door. "Gemma, I told you to go home." He said before he realized it was me. I kinda just stand there awkwardly as his face softens.

"I'm sorry, I thought you were Gemma." He only had his shorts on so this was a little awkward. "It's okay, I was just making sure you were okay." I softly say as he smiles. "Yeah I'm good, do you maybe wanna hang out for awhile, I'll be up." He offered but I shake my head no.

I would if it wasn't two in the morning, I had to work in the morning, and if they didn't just get into a fight. I would feel like a rebound. "I have to work in the morning, I'm sorry though." His face saddens when I say that but I can tell he's trying to hide it.

"No, it's okay. Get some rest. Have a good night, Vee." He waved as I did the same. I went back to my apartment and went straight to my bed.

When I woke up, I groggily went to my closet to find something to wear. I had on a green and black striped sweater, black skinny jeans, and a matching beanie that goes with my sweater. When I get to work, Leonard was teaching Luke how to play Pokémon.

I walk right past the guys and head into the sound booth. Luke came in rushing in after me, making me look at him. "So you're gonna walk in and not say anything. You okay?" He asked raising his eyebrow at him.

"I'm sorry. I'm tired, my neighbor woke me in the middle of the night." I tell him as I queued up the next song. "Your hot neighbor?" He asked as I glared at him.

"I just wanted to make sure he was okay." I say as he drops his jaw. "I've known you for two years and I've never heard you say that." He said in disbelief. After I graduated, I had no house, car, or money so I had to start from scratch.

The first thing I did was get an interview here with Luke. He let me stay in his apartment until I had enough money to get an apartment so he's like the big brother I never had.

It took me while to finally trust him, but I'm glad I did. "I have feelings you know." I say leaning back in my chair. "Holy shit! Leonard, did you hear that shit?" He asked sticking his head out the sound booth door.

As they started talking about random shit, I started adding the songs to the list of the station. "Vee, come here." I hear Luke say. I walk over to him and lean against the door frame so I could see what he wanted.

"What type of donuts do you want?" Luke asked on his phone. "You could've came to me, why'd I get up?" I ask confused as hell. "Just answer the question, I'm gonna door dash some donuts." He said looking up at me.

"Glazed is fine, thanks Luke." I answer while walking into the sound booth. I sit down while leaning my chair back so I could nap for a few minutes.

I felt something tap my shoulder causing me to open my eyes. I saw Luke looking at me, looking sad for me. "Go nap on the couch, Leonard and I got it." I got up and went to lay on the couch outside the sound booth. I could feel my eyes get heavy as I laid there.

I was asleep for an hour or two cause when I had woken back up, I felt better than earlier. I got up and grabbed a donut cause I couldn't get one earlier. "Look at whose awake." Luke smiled as I bit into my donut.

"You feeling better?" Luke asked as I walked into the sound booth. "Yeah, thanks man." I fix my beanie because I could feel it falling off.

I heard the front door causing us to look at the door. A blonde walked in and her outfit was unusual but she looked good in it. She had a crop top on with a leather jacket over it. She had fish net stockings on with shorts over top of those.

She started looking around at the vinyls as we kinda just sat there. "Are you going to say something?" I whisper to Luke as he looks over at me. "And I'd do that because?" He asked turning over to me. "Because a random girl walked in and is looking around like she's gonna buy a vinyl that's not for sale." I explain as Leonard stares at us.

"Alright, work on the station." He said standing up. He got up and before he could go out there, he turned to us. "Do I look okay?" He asked as I showed him away.

"Hey, can I help?" Luke asked, making her turn to him. "Hi, I was wondering if you guys had jobs available." She said sticking her hands in her pockets. "I mean, we're always looking. What's your name?" He asked as I eavesdropped. I tried not to, they were just loud.

"Gemma. Gemma Abrams."

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