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"Hey guys." Sam said when we walked into pizza night. I smiled when I saw Kat and Tara. "I'll get you a slice of pizza. Go talk to the girls." Colby whispered in my ear.

He kissed my temple as we both parted ways. "Hey girly." Kat smiled when I sat next to her. "Hey." I say fixing my beanie. I love how I went from knowing nobody in this room to being friends with all of them.

"When are you and Colby gonna go out? I mean, you guys are totally into each other." Tara asked as I looked over at him. He was laughing at something Kevin had said.

"I'm just waiting for him to ask." I shrug as I bring my knees to my chest. "Who says he has to ask you?" Jake said butting into our conversation.

"Ask you what?" Colby asked handing me my plate while sitting next to me. We all look at each other as I take a bite from my pizza.

He just shrugged as he bit into his pizza. We hung out for most the night and it was honestly really fun. But I sadly had to go to work the next morning.

"What's up, Sutton." Luke said when I walked in. "Hey." I smile when I sat down next to Leonard. "Luke is gonna be giving an interview today." He told me causing me to look at him.

"I thought we were gonna stick to us three?" I ask leaning back in my chair. "Yeah, but I think he'll be a good fit. I'm meeting him at in and out for lunch." Luke explained as I sighed.

Whoever this guy is, I hope he's nothing like Gemma. I don't think I'll be able to work with someone who hates me again. That was absolutely awful.

"Just make sure this guys not like Gemma. I don't think I can deal with another person like that." I say as he nods his head. "Of course." He smiled as I started working on the things I have to.

When I got off work, I decided to go hang out with Colby. I went to his apartment and knocked on his door. He smiled when he answered it.

"Hey beautiful." He stepped aside so I could walk inside. He always made me smile when he would stay stuff like that.

"Hey." I say walking inside his apartment. "Look, I need to tell you something." He sat on his couch as I sat next to him. "What is it?" I ask looking at him. He looked nervous and shaky.

"I'm falling in love with you." I was in shock when he told me this. My head snapped in his direction when he told me this so I could see his facial expression.

I could tell he was telling the truth. "Wait, what?" I ask not knowing what to say. "I need to tell you how I feel. Time's precious and I need you to know that I love you." I've never had anyone confess their love for me.

I was at a complete loss for words. Why is it so hard to tell Colby that I feel the same? "Are you gonna say anything?" He asked staring at me.

"I don't know what to say." I whisper as he stood up, running his fingers through his hair. "Look, I love you and I know you love me too. And when you're ready to admit that, you come and find me cause I'll be fucking waiting." He told me as I looked up at him.

"I'm sorry." I grab my things and I head out the door. I walk next door and lay my things down. I grab my shot glass and my alcohol that Brennen got for me.

He said to only use it if I need it, and I need it. I start taking shots as I start thinking. 'I love you' is only eight letters.

If all it is eight letters, why is it so hard to say? After taking a few shots, I stumble to the couch with the bottle and glass in my hand.

Why am I so scared to tell Colby how I feel? Probably because I'm scared to lose him. I used to tell Brandon how I felt all the time and now look. He's dead and I'm taking shots because I'm too scared to tell someone how I feel.

I pick my phone up and call Brennen. "Hey, Vee what's up?" He asked as I start to feel the alcohol hit me. "I think I love Colby." I slur as there was a silence.

"Are you drunk?" He asked as I sat up. "Kinda, but I'm serious. I love him." I can't believe I'm actually saying this. And to all people, Brennen.

"And have you told him?" He asked as I take a deep breath. "No. I got scared. I don't wanna lose him." I quietly say. "You're not gonna lose him. He's head over heals for you. He talks about you all the time." He talks about me?

I couldn't help but smile. "Should I tell him?" I ask even though I already know the answer. "Yes, but get sobered up first. Talk to you later." He hung up as
I laid my phone down, sitting my bottle next to it.

As I lay on the couch, staring at the ceiling, I think about all the different ways I can tell Colby. And then I try to work up the nerve to go to his apartment.

I start pacing in my living room cause I'm overthinking it. I act it out before I take a deep breath and head over there.

I knock on his door and realize I've been at my apartment for a couple hours. I hear footsteps coming over to the door as I wait. He opens the door and I see he has a sad facial expression.

He looks like he's been crying as I was trying to figure everything out. I can't back out now. He's right, time is precious and I learned that with Brandon.

"Colby, I love you too."


And that's it for story one! The second story of this is gonna pick up right after this part so I hope you enjoy. I really liked writing this and I enjoyed the character development of Vee. Stay tuned for the next book, 'hooked' cause I hope you like it.

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