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"Okay, what about this one?" Colby asked coming out of the dressing room. I was helping him pick out outfits for Coachella. I looked at him up and down as he showed me poses. He had overalls on but didn't have a shirt on underneath.

"Yeah, it looks good. Outfit one of three done." I say as he smiles. "I wish you could come with all of us." He pouted while leaning against the wall. "Me too but I want you guys to have fun." I say standing up.

"It won't be the same without you there." He crossed his arms while leaning against the wall. "Go get changed while I find some clothes." I say walking away. I start skimming through the clothes, looking at everything.

I'm not gonna lie, I'm gonna miss everyone while they're gone. Especially Colby. We hang out almost everyday whenever we're both free. And Colby being off of social media, he has a lot of free time.

"Are you sure you'll be okay?" He asked coming over to me. "Colby, it's just five days. I've been by myself for three years. I can handle it." I say as we look through the clothes. "Well, I'll facetime you every night so I can see if you'll be okay." He said as I roll my eyes.

He's such a pain in my ass. It took us a little bit to find his other two outfits and when we were done, we figured to get chipotle. "We're friends so can I tell you something?" He asked when I sit down across from him.

"What's up?" I ask looking at him. He looks nervous to tell me. "I think I'm gonna meet Gemma for dinner tonight." I choked on my burrito when he said that. "Gemma as in your ex that cheated on you? The ex that completely hates me at work?" I ask even though I know who he's talking about.

"Yes her. I still love her Vee, and she offered to apologize." I can't believe this shit. I'm not mad because I have feelings for him, which I don't, I'm mad that he would trust her. "Colby, I don't want you getting hurt again." I tell him as he sighs. "She won't, trust me." I sigh even though I don't trust her. We ate our food as we hung out.

A few hours went by and Colby wanted my help to pick out what to wear. Sam came and helped so I wasn't alone. "What about this?" Colby asked walking out wearing some clothes. "That one looks good too. Are you sure you wanna do this?" Sam asked agreeing with me.

"Everyone deserves a second chance." Colby simply said as he looked into the mirror. Sam and I looked at each other while rolling our eyes. "Whatever makes you happy, brother." Sam told him as he grabbed his phone.

"I'll see you guys later, I gotta pick her up." Colby said rushing out. I looked over at Sam as he looks over at me. "This isn't gonna go too well is it?" I ask as he shakes his head no. "Nope. And for a good minute, I thought he was into you." Sam said honestly.

I looked at him like he was crazy. "Into me? You're delusional." I laugh as he sits up. I can tell he was being serious so I stopped laughing. "I'm serious, Vee. I thought he had a thing for you but I guess he doesn't. Gemma has an affect on him and he can't let go." He tells me honestly.

"I just don't want him hurt." I softly say as he agrees. "What are you doing tonight?" He asked out of the blue. "I don't think I'm doing anything, why?" I ask as he smiles. "Wanna hang out with Kat and I? We were going to Dave and Busters." He offered as I sat there. "I don't wanna intrude on your date." I try to say no but he ended up standing up.

"Come with us, you can take Brennen if you want." He suggested which made me smile. "I'll go ask him. I can meet you there if you want." He agreed as we walked out the apartment.

As I got ready, I called Brennen. "Hey Vee, what's up?" He asked when I put him on speaker. "Do you want to go hang out at Dave and Busters with Sam, Kat, and I? And please say yes, I don't wanna third wheel." I say putting comfortable pants on.

"Where's Colby?" Brennen asked confused. "He went out with Gemma. I'll explain if you come hang out with us." I plead as he groans. "Fine, okay." I happy danced alone in my room. "I'm on my way to your apartment." I smile as I hang up.

I go to my car and head over to Brennen's apartment. As I sat in traffic, I look at how pretty the sunset is. I pull out my phone so I can take a picture for snapchat. Yes, I'm that basic. I captioned it as 'la sunsets' with heart eyes.

I pick up Brennen at his apartment so I snap him to let him know I'm at his place. "Hey cutie." Brennen flirted while getting into my car. "You're such a flirt, B." I joke as I start driving. "You know, I'm single and ready to mingle." He winked as I rolled my eyes.

"I'm single and not ready to mingle so have fun trying." I smile as he does the same. "Talking about being single and mingling, why the fuck is Colby with Gemma?" He asked making me groan.

"I have no idea. I feel like she's gonna cheat on him again." I honestly say as he stares out the window. "No shit. Did you try to talk to him?" He asked turning to me. "Sam and I both." After a few minutes, we get to Dave and Busters and meet up with Sam and Kat.

"Hey guys, lean in for snapchat." I say as everyone leaned in. Kat smiled, Brennen had a serious face, while Sam stuck his tongue out, and I smiled with my mouth closed. We honestly looked really cute. The caption was 'friends night' with a heart emoji. I posted it while Brennen pulled me towards the restaurant area.

Brennen and I sat across from Sam and Kat as we looked through the menu. "Vee, have you ever been here before?" Kat asked making conversation. "No, I've always wanted to though." I admit as they look at me crazily. "Me, you, Tara, and Devyn need to make a girls trip here one day." She suggested even though I don't know who Devyn is.

We all spent hours there, until it closed and it was actually pretty fun.

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