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Today was probably the longest day of work I've ever had. Gemma had no clue on what she was doing. And whenever Leonard and Luke were out of earshot, she would say the meanest things to me.

I was just glad to finally be home. As I was watching tv, I heard my doorbell ring. I swear if it's Colby, I'll scream.

I get up and open it to see the one and only, Colby Brock standing there. "Did you threaten Gemma at In and Out?" He asked getting straight to the point. "A simple hey would've been nice too, Colby." I say as he groans. "Yeah, Hey. Did you?" He asked impatiently.

"No, if I recall, she's the one who bumped into me and threatened me to stay away from you." I explain as he rolled his eyes. "Can we talk about this inside?" He asked as I stood there for a second.

I step to the side so I could let him in. He looks around as he walks in. "Make yourself at home." I say as he sits next to me on the couch.

"Look, the thing about Gemma is that she's super protective of me and doesn't like it when I'm talking to other girls." He explained as I listened. I can't believe I'm actually having this talk.

"Look, I'm not trying to be rude but I don't like you like that so you both have nothing to worry about." I tell him as he looks at me with soft eyes. He looks like he's trying to figure stuff out as I sit there, not knowing what to say.

"I've tried to tell her, she just thinks you like me." I snort with laughter as he looks at me confused. "I barely know you, I don't like you. You've been living in next to me for less than a week, I don't fall for people that easily." I laugh as he sighs.

"You're not like most girls." He said as I shrug. I mean, I'm not like most girls. "You could say that." I say as he sighs while standing up. I stand up with him as he walks to my door.

"Look, I'm sorry she threatened you. I'll talk to her when she comes over." He said as I open my door so he could walk out. "You can mention how she treats me like shit at work." I fake a smile as he walks next door. I just shut my eyes as I shut the door. It was late so I ended up going to bed.

I was with Brandon and we were driving to my house. When he stops, everything looks familiar. I start to panic as we get to hit. "What the fuck?" He asked turning around. I tightly close my eyes as we get hit.

When the car stops spinning, I climb out and crawl to Brandon in pain. He was laying on the ground in pain. "Brandon." He looked so bad, blood was everywhere. I had tears in my eyes as he slowly looked over at me.

"I'm okay." He said holding onto his wound. I could see the light leave his eyes as he brought his hand up to me. "I'll find you." He said cupping my face. "Brandon, don't you dare close your eyes." I scream as he closed his eyes. I started crying as the paramedics came to me. I started screaming from the pain of losing Brandon.

That's when I shoot up from my bed while screaming. I was drenched in sweat as I realize it was another nightmare. I try to slow my breath as I realize it's four in the morning.

I get out of bed so I could get a drink of water. Once I get my bottle, I head towards my balcony because I'm scared to fall asleep again. I sit on my chair and watch everything until I have to go to work.

I had on a black and white long sleeved shirt with a band shirt over it. I had on black skinny jeans that my shirts were tucked into. I groggily drive to the station, tired from the lack of sleep.

When I walk in, everyone was already there. "Hey Vee." Leonard said as I lightly smile. Luke stepped out of the sound booth looking at me. "Can I talk to you for a minute?" He asked as Gemma started smirking at me.

I walked into the sound booth, Luke closing the door. "You look rough. Are you okay?" He asked sitting down. I guess he could tell I was tired. "I'm just tired." I say as his face softens.

"You had a nightmare about him again, didn't you?" He asked talking about Brandon. I nod my head as he sighs. "Come here." He opened his arms up as he hugs me. I wrapped my arms around his tanned and muscular body.

"You know you can talk to me, right?" He said pulling away as I nod my head. He opens the door, letting them know the talk was over. I just want this day to end so I don't have to train Gemma anymore.

"Hey boss, for lunch should I eat tuna or chicken tenders?" Leonard asked making me crack a smile. "If you open tuna in here, you'll be regretting it." Luke him as I looked over at Gemma. She was giving me the stink eye.

I rolled my eyes as I groaned. "If you have something to say, say it instead of staring at me." I groan while getting a coffee. I could feel her follow me which aggravated me.

"Why do you like my boyfriend?" She asked as the I waited for the coffee. "I don't like your fucking boyfriend, okay? You need to back off. I'm just trying to train your dumbass and I can't when all you want to do is talk about your stupid boyfriend." I argue with her as she shut up.

"I don't have to train you, I can let you suffer and get fired because you don't know what the hell you're doing. Or you can lose the attitude, stop threatening me, and pay attention to when I'm trying to train you." I tell her off as she just stared at me.

"I'm sorry." She said while walking off to the bathroom. I looked over at the guys to see them staring at us. I started walking over to them, not wanting the coffee, and head towards my bag.

"You know I could've helped, right?" Luke said as I pulled my laptop out of my bag. "I can handle my own problems. I don't need anyone helping me." I say plugging my headphones in so I could make some beats.

I just wanna fall asleep for awhile and forget everything.

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