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I had no idea what to wear to Porters graduation. After a few minute I chose to wear black skinny jeans, a blue button up shirt, and a maroon sweater over top of it. I was in my room trying to straighten my hair. "You need help?" I hear Colby ask from my door. I smile as I nod my head. He walks over to me and grabs my straightener.

"You look nice, Vee." He complimented while doing my hair. I look at him from the mirror and notice how good he looked. He had dark skinny jeans on like me and a button up, which is tucked in. He had a bow tie on and he honestly looked really cute.

"You too Colbs. You should dress up more often. " I smile in front of the mirror. We honestly looked like we could be a couple. I took my phone out and took a picture of us. "Can you send me those?" He asked finishing up my hair. "Of course." I ask turning around and facing him. After I send him the pictures, I unplug the straightener so it doesn't burn down the house.

"Hey little sister." I hear from my door. I look over to see Maggie smiling over at me. She looks so much older. "Mags!" I squeal as I run over to her. "Wow, look at you. Los Angeles made you look older." She said looking at me up and down.

She then looked over at Colby who was awkwardly standing there. She then smirked at me making me confused. "You didn't tell me you had a boyfriend. Hi, I'm Maggie." She said sticking her hand out for him to shake.

"Mags, we're not dating. Just friends." I say as she gasped. "I'm sorry. I just figured." She apologized but we shrugged it off. "Are you guys almost ready, we have to leave in a few minutes." My dad told all of us. We all walked into the living room to see my dad trying to tie a tie.

"Do you need help?" I ask crossing my arms. "Sh, I told your mom last week that I learned how but in reality, I didn't. So don't tell your mother." He said struggling. "Don't tell me what?" She asked crossing her arms. "Yeah dad, tell her." Maggie said smirking.

She then saw him struggling, groaned, and tied his tie for him. "Let's rock and roll." My dad said as we headed towards the garage. We get in my dads Suv, me in the middle in the back. "What do you guys wanna listen to? I have old town road downloaded." He said trying to be cool.

We all start laughing in the back as he shakes his head while driving. "You guys should listen to him rap to Cardi B." My mom said putting it on. The car ride was interesting for sure. When we got to the graduation, we all sat down together. There were a lot of people here honestly.

Large crowds always freak me out. I felt something grab my hand and lace our fingers together. I see that it was Colby and I noticed he saw I was nervous. I smiled as I started to hear the graduation music. "I'll give you ten dollars if Porter falls." My dad said bending over to me. "Oh, you're on." I smile as I watch the kids in their caps and gowns.

Since our last name is Sutton and it goes in order by last name, we were gonna be here a while. "Did you fall at your graduation?" I ask Colby as he shakes his head no. "I was just happy my last name started with B so I walked early. But it sucked waiting for everyone else." He explained as my mom started cheering because Porter had walked out.

The graduation would've been so boring if I wasn't in between my dad and Colby. They kept making me laugh and my mom was getting mad cause she was trying to hear the names. We all clapped and cheered when Porters name was called.

When it was over, we all got our pictures with him and had to set up for the graduation party. My whole family was coming over and Colby and I were hiding out in my room until they started showing up. "Should I be scared to meet your family?" He asked sitting on my bed.

I had a little basketball goal with a small basketball and I was messing around and trying to do different shots. "Why are you nervous, we're not dating?" I ask a little too harshly. I look back over to Colby and see that he's a little hurt. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean it like that. You shouldn't be nervous cause they'll love you. Especially my grandma." I say making him smile.

"I do have a thing for grandmas." He joked making me laugh out loud. I lightly push him as my door opens again. "Your grandparents are here." My mom said as I looked over at Colby. "Lets make my family fall in love with you." I say grabbing his hand as we go out in the living room.

"Hey, memaw." I say grabbing their attention. When she noticed me, the biggest smile formed on her face. "There she is!" She smiled while walking over to me to hug me. "Grandma, I want you to meet a friend of mine. This is Colby." I introduce her to him.

"What a doll. You can call me memaw." She said making him smile. "Well it's nice to meet you." Colby doesn't seem nervous at all, he looks like he's doing a good job. "Here, I wanna show you all my homecooked meals you need to try." She grabbed his arm and dragged him to the kitchen.

When everyone started showing up, I noticed how Colby was loosening up around my family. We were around the tv watching a video my mom made where she put a bunch of pictures of Porter and put them in a video. They were from the time he was born to now.

Porter was so embarrassed while watching it but it was so funny. I've honestly missed my family so much.

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