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"Okay, what do we do first?" Colby asked when we got into my apartment. I look at him like he's crazy. "You've never made brownies?" I ask while he laughs. "I was messing around, I know how to make brownies." He joked as I roll my eyes.

"I'm sorry I was a huge dick to you when we first met." I honestly tell him. "Don't worry about it Vee. It's understandable." He said as we fixed the brownies. "I know, I just feel bad." I look over at him as he walked over to me. "Don't. It's in the past. I like you for you." He bent down and kissed my temple.

I couldn't help but smile when he did that. "Can you help me with something?" He asked as I turned to him. "Yeah, what's up?" When I turn to him, he flung the brownie mix on me. Thank god I wasn't wearing one of my favorite shirts. "Did you really?" I ask as he laughed at me.

"Yeah, I did." He said in between laughter. "Two can play at this game." I take another spatula, dip it into the brownie mix, and rub it all over Colby's face. The look on his face made me laugh out loud, and it wasn't a pretty laugh.

"It's on now." He laughed while rubbing it all over me. Next thing I know, there was brownie mix flinging everywhere as we were trying to hit each other.  There was brownie mix everywhere while we were throwing the mix.

He slung his arm back and slung it towards me. When I tried to move away, I slipped on some brownie mix, making me fall. Before I hit the ground, something caught me.

And I looked up to see Colby. "I told myself I wouldn't fall for you, now look at me." I honestly said as we stared into each others eyes.

He stood me up without breaking eye contact. "I wanna go on a date with you." He said making me laugh. "Did you really ask me on a date with brownie mix all over me?" I ask looking down at myself.

"Of course. Even with brownie mix, you're still beautiful to me." I literally awed out loud when he told me that.

"So? Will you go on a date with me?" I kissed his cheek and went back over to the brownie mix. "Of course I'll go on a date with you." I say putting the brownies in the oven to cook.

"Now come on, we gotta clean this mess we made." I say grabbing a few rags I have, and throw them at Colby.

We spent most of the night together. He wanted to make sure I felt better. And I did. The next day at work, it was the first thing I told to Luke. "So you really like this guy, huh?" Luke asked crossing his arms. I smiled at the thought of him.

"Yeah, a lot actually." I say working on my music. "Do you love him?" Leonard asked making me look at him. "No, we aren't even dating." I shake my head as I tried to look at my computer.

"My wife and I were bestfriends before we started dating. If I didn't tell her how I felt, we would still be best friends." Luke gave me his advice as I groaned.

"Why are we even talking about my love life? Why can't we talk about Leonard's?" I ask pointing to him. "Because Leonard doesn't have a love life." Luke said making me snort with laughter. "I do have a love life. I just don't talk about her." He defended her as I leaned back in my chair.

This is normal days at work, us picking on each other. Luke does most of the picking on cause he looks at us like we're his kids.

"Your mom doesn't count, sorry pal." I couldn't help but laugh at Luke's insult. "It's not my mom. But can we talk about how Vee admitted she has a love life?" My laughing stopped instantly when he said that.

"He's right though. Vee, you've been by yourself for three years. I think it's good that you're coming out of your shell." Luke softly told me as I sighed.

"Isn't that him right there?" Leonard making my heart skip a beat. I looked out by the door to see Colby looking around with food in his hand.

"Do I look good?" I asked standing up. "Go out there, dork." Luke said pushing towards the door. I take a breath and walk over towards him. "Hey, stranger." I say grabbing his attention. He looked at me smiling as he walked to me.

"These are pretty cool." He pointed towards the vinyl's. "Luke loves them." I say standing next to him. He looks over at me and then looks down at the food. "I was out in town and figured I could bring you lunch." He was seriously so sweet.

I smiled as he held the bag in his hand. "Thanks Colby." I smile as he hands it to me. He then looked behind me and I could tell he got nervous. "Why are they staring?" I look at Luke and Leonard to see them staring at me.

They both give me a thumbs up causing me to roll my eyes. "That's just how they are. But seriously, thanks for the food. You didn't have to." He shrugged while sticking his hands in his pockets. "I wanted to. See you later for our date?" He asked walking towards the door.

"Of course. What should I wear?" I ask him. "Something casual." He winked before walking out of the station and going towards his car. "You didn't say the date was tonight." Luke said coming out of the sound booth.

"Oops." I sarcastically said as I sat down while taking my food out. "What are you gonna wear?" He asked as I started eating. "I don't know yet, I'm gonna have Kat and Tara come over and help." I say honestly. He smiled as I ate at the table.

"You can leave half an hour early if you need it. Leonard and I got it down." He knew how much this date meant to me. "Thanks." I said as he went back to the sound booth.

I suddenly felt nervous about this date with him tonight.

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