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I couldn't stop laughing. Colby and I were hanging out in his apartment and he was showing me one of his videos. We were watching the one where him and his old roommate, Corey, read off creepy messages but it was more of a comedy.

"Wait, this is getting weird. And sniff you." Colby said on the screen. "Jack, wait, Jack?" Corey asked making me let out a laugh.

"Who the fuck is Jack?" Corey asked leaning up against the couch in the video. "I text her back and I'm just like 'I'm jake' and it turns into a whole different story." On screen Colby joked while I smiled.

"Jack, you're scaring me, get out." On screen Corey said while laughing. "And RIP YOU." I snorted with laughter because of the way he said it. "GET OUT!" I couldn't breathe of all the laughing I was doing.

They were actually hilarious. When the video ended, I had tears in my eyes from laughing. "Holy shit, I haven't laughed that hard in a long time." I say leaning back.

It was true, it's been a long while since I've laughed like that. The last time was probably with Brandon. "It was a fun one to make." He said calming down. I look around me to see my bags are still here.

"You know what we should do next?" He asked smirking at me. "What?" I ask confused. "I wanna listen to some of your music." I could tell he was being serious. "Well, let's go next door then." I say grabbing my shopping bags.

We walk next door and sit the bags on the ground. "Follow me." I say as I start going up my staircase. Once up there I sat in my office chair as he sat in the one next to me.

I type my password in as my music pops up. I plug my headphones into it because it produces better sounding. "Have you heard of the song 'Look at us now' by Ally Brooke and A$ap Ferg?" I ask as he shakes his head no.

"Well this one is kinda like, where are you now by Justin Bieber. It's got some singing parts but techno to it. It was a little bit harder to remix it but it ended up working out pretty well." I say as he nods his head as I scroll to find it.

"Here, go ahead and put it on, I'm gonna play it." I say hitting the play button as he puts it on. I lean back in my chair as he sits there and listens.

The longer it played, the more he looked into it. I had it loud enough to where I could hear it and it was right at the bass drop when he started dancing. I smiled as Ally started singing again.

"This is really good." He screamed as he listened. It was almost A$aps part and it was my favorite part. I like how smooth I made the transition to a lot of bass to his part. When it got to his part, he looked so surprised.

It then went back to Ally's part so there wasn't more left. When it finished, Colby took the headphones off and looked at me shocked. "When you told me you do music stuff, I didn't think it'd be that good." He complimented me.

I smile as my face turned red. "It wasnt the best, but I liked how it turned out." I say as he smiled. "Put another one on and I'll be the judge of that." He said as I searched for another one.

"This is more of a mashup than a remix but it's alright." I say as I play it and he puts the headphones back on. It's a mashup of bulletproof and release me.

I could tell he was listening to it intensely. He looked really into it as it played so I got nervous. I've never played my music for anyone other than Luke.

When that one got done, he took it off smiling. "You've got a talent, Vee. You need to show more people." He sincerely said. "I'm just scared people won't play it. That's all I want, is for my remix or mashup to be played." I honestly said.

I wanted my music on the radio more than anything. "I know we haven't hung out much, but I'm willing to become friends if you are." I haven't heard those words in so long.

"I don't have many of those." I say quietly as he lightly smiled. "I'll be your first friend then." He said as I sighed. "That'll be good." I saw the ends of his mouth curve upward after I said it.

I do need a friend my age, Lukes like thirty. He ends up having to leave because he has to film with Sam so I didn't mind. I decided to FaceTime my mom.

"Hey sweetie, Michael! Venus is on FaceTime!" She yelled throughout the house. She's the only one who calls me by my real name. "Hey momma. How's everyone down there?" I ask as my dad gets on the screen.

"We're good. How's Los Angeles?" She asked as my dad waved. I chuckled as I waved back. "It's good. I got a new neighbor and he's super nice." I say honestly. They looked surprised and then looked at each other.

"You're actually talking to people other than Luke?" My dad jokingly asked as I smiled. "Yeah, but I haven't told him about Brandon yet. I need to know if I can trust him or not." I say as they sigh.

They worry for me, I know it. The tension got really noticeable so I decided to change the subject. "How's Porter?" I ask about my younger brother. Last time I've seen him in person, he was sixteen. And now he's about to graduate high school.

I'm in the middle of my siblings, my sister is two years older than me and my brother is two years younger than me. We were all super close, before I left. "He's good, he's out right now with some friends. Can you believe he's about to graduate?" My mom said getting emotional.

"You're coming to his graduation, right?" My dad asked as I took a deep breath. I really don't want to, but I should. "Yeah, of course." I smile as we continue our conversation.

I talked for a while but I had to go to sleep for bed in the morning. I'm not ready for May and going back to the place where I don't wanna go to.

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