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"We got some news for you, Vee." Leonard said when I walked into the studio. "And what's the news?" I ask sitting in my usual spot. "Gemma quit last night." My jaw dropped when Luke told me that. "Wait, what?" I ask shocked that she quit.

"Yeah, she called last night." I don't know if I should be relieved or upset. "Do you think it was about me?" I ask worriedly. Luke shakes his head no while writing on his computer. "I don't think she liked it much from the beginning." He said which confused me.

"What do you mean?" I ask as he turns to me. He crosses his arms while leaning back in his chair. "I would hate it if I worked at a place where a guy that looked like Leonard hit on me everyday and a girl is slowly becoming closer to my boyfriend." He did have a point. I know I would hate it.

I wonder why she worked here for so long then. "You two don't care if you run the station, right? I'm gonna be interviewing people for Gemma's spot." He said as Leonard gave him a thumbs up. "We've had three people before, why can't we do it again?" I ask confused.

"That was before I realized how everything ran smoothly with four people. Trust me, I'll make sure this person is better than Gemma." He smiled before going back to his computer. I just shrug as I start on the music.

Work wasn't hard, it was just stressful trying to work everything while Luke tried to find someone who could work with us. I really like it being us three, it's been us for years. Just the three amigos, with the three different personality's.

When I got home, I plopped down on the couch feeling exhausted. I then heard the door open and I knew it was Colby. "Babe, you okay?" He asked when he walked in. I sit up so I could look at him, my hair in my face. "It was a long day at work." I pout through my messy hair.

He came and sat next to me. He fixed my hair so he could see my face. He smiled when he saw me. "That's better." He flirted as he lightly smiled. "You're such a flirt." I say bringing my knees up to my chest. He shrugged while smirking at me.

"Anyway, what can I do to make your day a little better?" He asked, making eye contact. I sat there for second, thinking about what we could do. And then I got the most perfect idea. "Let's make brownies." I smile as he laughs lightly at me.

"Alright, lets get brownie mix." He stood up, fixing his clothes. I stood up with him while grabbing my keys. "I'll drive. Don't worry about it." He grabbed my hand, lacing our fingers together, and took me into the hallway.

When we got into the hallway, we saw Kat walking over to Sam's. "Hey guys, where you headed to?" She smirked at us, stopping in her tracks. "I had a long day at work so we're gonna make some brownies." I tell her causing a little smile form on her lips.

"Well, have fun you two." She started walking towards Sam's apartment as we made our way to the elevator. We got down the lobby and walked to his car. "You know you're the best right?" I say as he got into his car.

He laughed, not believing me when I told him that. "How am I the best?" He asked pulling out of the parking lot. "Because you know me the best and you've never judged me, even at my worst." That's probably the scariest feeling. He's seen me cry and seen me at my worst but he's never left me.

He's proven to me that he wants me and cares for me. He takes his right hand and place it on my thigh, lightly squeezing it. "You obviously don't know you if you think I'm the best."  I didn't realize how flirty he was until we started talking.

I take his hand off my thigh and lace our fingers together. I love feeling his hand in mine. It was something about it that made me feel warm inside. After sitting in traffic, we finally got to Target. We walked side by side to where the brownie mix was.

We didn't hold hands though just incase we saw fans, he hasn't told them about us and didn't want them starting rumors. "What type of brownies should we get?" He asked skimming through the shelves. "What about the double fudge?" I suggest as he looks over at it. "Is that what you want?" He asked as I nodded my head yes.

He grabbed the box while smiling down at me. "You're Colby Brock, right?" I heard behind me. I look behind me to see a pretty teenage girl. She looked about eighteen or nineteen. "That's me." He told her as she squealed.

"I'm a big fan of you and Sam. Do you care of we take a selfie?" I could tell that she was nervous and a little shaky. "Of course." She grabbed her phone and took it out like she's gonna take selfie. I felt bad because she was obviously shaking.

"I can take it for you, if you want." I speak up, making her smile. "Thank you so much." She handed me the phone as they stood next to each other. They both smiled as I took the picture for them. "I took three." I say handing her phone back. That's when she looked at me, up and down. I didn't see any hate on her face when she did.

Then she looked in between us and smiled. "You two are really cute together." She said as Colby and I looked at each other. He made a disgusted face at me causing me to scrunch up my nose. "We're just friends." He told her as I look in between them.

"I won't tell anyone. But it's obvious you two like each other." I look up at Colby to see him biting his lip. "Well, thank you for not telling anyone. We appreciate it." Colby told her as she smiled at him. "It's no problem. But it was nice to meet you. Thank you for the picture." She happily said as he smiled again.

"It was nice to meet you too. Both of you." She gave Colby one last hug, before walking away. Colby looked down at me with a grin on his face as we walked away from the aisle. "That was really sweet of you to take our picture." He mentioned as I shrug.

"I could tell she was nervous, I didn't want her picture to be blurry." I simply said as we walked to the check out. "You should show your sweet side more often. I like it." He said slinging his arm around me. "If I showed my sweet side, then you wouldn't have been interested in me." I say as he drops his jaw.

"That's not true. Well, maybe in the beginning but baby, I'm sticking around for the long run cause I like every side of you." He complimented as we went to a self checkout. I couldn't help but smile when he told me that.

"Come on, let's go make some brownies." I smile as I pay for the brownies. I can't wait to make the brownies with Colby.

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