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I had on a yellow mustard sweater that was tucked into my dark plaid pants. I had a belt on with some black and white converse. My hair was straight and everything looked good. I take a breath as I head to Colby's. I grab my money, keys, and phone as I lock my door and leave.

I knock on Colby's door, waiting for him to answer. When the door swings open, he was standing there with black jeans on and a baby blue shirt that said take chances. "Hey Vee, come on in." He stepped aside as I look around. His apartment is actually clean for a twenty two year old.

"I'm liking the fit." He said looking at me from up and down. I smiled as he closed the door, it's surprising how I've lived here for almost a year and never been in the apartment right next to me.

"Thanks, I like the shirt. What's it mean?" I ask leaning against the wall. He looked down at it while stretching it a little. "It's my merch." He simply said. I think he thought I'd understand, but I don't. "It's your what?" I ask confused as he nervously smiled.

"I do YouTube, which I'm pretty sure I told you, but since I don't have a legit way of earning money, I create merchandise and my fan base buys it. That and posting ads on Instagram work." He explained as I nodded my head. "And how many is in this so called fan base?" I ask as he sighs. He looks down and smiles while thinking about it.

"Two million." They have two million people subscribed to them? "Holy shit. You guys post exploring videos right?" I looked at their account but I didn't get to watch their videos. "We used to but Sam and I got arrested, that's a long story." He said as there was a knock on his door.

I guess this is his friend Brennen. Colby took a step from me so he could open the door. "Hey brother." I heard a guy say. I couldn't see his face. "Come in brother." Colby said as the walked through.

Holy shit he was hot. Tan skin, full lips, brown eyes. He looked over at me and smiled. Why the fuck was he so attractive? And I thought Colby was hot but damn.

"Brennen, this is my neighbor, Vee. Vee, this is my friend, Brennen." Colby said bringing me out of my thoughts. "Hey, it's nice to meet you." I say shaking his hand.

"You too. You got a nice fit." He said making me smile. "Thanks. Are we ready to go?" I ask as everyone nods. Brennen and I walk out as Colby shuts and locks his door.

"How long have you lived here, Vee?" Brennen asked making conversation. "Two years, I moved out here when I was eighteen." I tell him as Colby follows behind us. "Dude, she has the same birthday as Sam." Colby bragged making me blush.

I look at him to see him smiling at us. He's dealing with this breakup pretty well. "No way. That's cool as hell." Brennen said as we got to the elevator. This is a new feeling of having plans with other people.

We got in the elevator, me being in the middle of the two tall guys. "Hey, I'm sorry about Gemma man. I can't believe she'd do that." I look up at Colby to see his face soften. He just shrugs, like he's shrugging away the pain.

That's one thing I've learned about being alone for the past couple of years, I know how to read people. "It doesn't matter. I just wanna get my mind off of it." He lightly smiled as we got to the main floor.

We get into Colby's Corolla, me being in the back, and the two guys up front. "Do you guys wanna get some food first cause I'm starving." Colby said starting the car up. I am pretty hungry.

"Okay, let's go to tender greens." I wonder what tender greens is. "Don't hate me, but what's tender greens?" I ask as they both gasp. "We're for sure going to tender greens." Brennen said as Colby pulled out of the complex.

I didn't bother to ask questions, I just listened to them talk about YouTube so I guess Brennen a YouTuber as well. We get to the restaurant and it looked super cute. "How have you lived here for two years and never been here?" Colby asked judging me. I shrug as we walked in.

"I don't eat out often. If I do, it's at work and I cook my own dinner." I tell him as Brennen turns to us. "Damn, someone needs to wife you up." Brennen said making me laugh. We sit down and I start looking through the menu.

We ordered and ate, and the food actually turned out pretty good. I'll have to bring Luke and Leonard here one day. Well I don't know about Leonard but still. We drove to the mall and parked by Dicks Sporting Good.

"Where to first?" Colby asked nobody in particular. "Hot topic." I quickly say, making them turn to me. "Sorry. I really like hot topic." I say blushing from embarrassment.

"Let's go to hot topic then." Brennen smiled while linking our arms together. He started skipping down the mall causing me to look at Colby with a smile on my face. He was smiling and laughing at us.

We went into hot topic and we instantly made our separate ways. I was looking the band tees as they were looking at the rings.

They were whispering about something and it honestly made me nervous. "Dude, she's hot. I would go for it and if you don't, I will." I heard Brennen say as I tried to focus on the clothes.

"I don't even think she likes me like that. I can tell she's scared." Is it that obvious? I'm not even scared to like him, I'm scared to let him in.

"Just let her warm up to you. I could tell she's got a guard up." I pick the clothes I wanted and looked over to see them staring. I walk over and decide to act like I didn't hear anything.

"Hey, you guys picked out everything you wanted?" I ask as Colby scratched his neck. "Yeah, Colby's gonna get these rings, right?" Brennen nudged him cause he didn't say anything. He instantly smiled and grabbed the rings. "They'll look good on you." I smile as I walk towards the cash register.

This is gonna be an interesting day.

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