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"I brought breakfast and coffee!" I cheer when I walked into the station. When I woke up this morning, I was surprisingly in a good mood. So I figured I could go out and get everyone food.

"Luke, Vee got us breakfast!" Leonard said as he ran over here to start eating. It looks like Gemma hasn't made it yet so it was us three. "Holy shit, did you hit your head?" Luke asked walking over to us.

"No, I had a good weekend." I honestly say as Luke looked at me weird. "What do you mean? You had to drive me around while I was drunk." He asked trying to think. He knows I usually don't do anything so I guess he's trying to think of something I could've done.

"Since Gemma isn't here right now, I'll explain. When I got to the apartment, I found Colby drunk in the hallway and he told me how she cheated on him. So I took care of him Saturday since he was hungover. That's when he invited me to hang out with him and his friend yesterday and I actually had a good time." I explain as they listen.

"So, she's single?" Leonard asked as we looked at him. "Yeah, that's the only thing you got out of that?" Luke asked as Leonard looked up at him. He just shrugged as he shoved more food in his face.

"Just don't say anything to her because you guys already know she hates me. It could make things worse." I say as Luke sips on his drink. Them not saying anything scares me more.

"God, I shouldn't have said anything." I say as I heard the door open. "Don't say anything." I whisper to Luke knowing he has a big mouth. "Yeah buddy." He said munching on his food.

"I'm sorry I'm late, it's been a hectic morning." She said out of breath. "You should tell me more." Leonard creepily said. They walk away, leaving us two.

"You're gonna try to date him now, right?" Luke asked hopeful as we got into the sound booth. I look at him stupidly as I pull some songs up. "No, I'm not a rebound. Plus I literally hung out with him twice. Him being drunk the first time." I get up and close the door so they wouldn't hear us.

"Whatever you say man." He shrugged. Work was actually pretty decent, Luke kept making jokes, Gemma didn't say shit, and Leonard wasn't as creepy as he was. I went home, putting on Netflix so I could be alone.

Until I heard the doorbell ring. I get up to answer it to see Colby's face smiling at me. "Hey." I say confused on why he's staring at me. "So, my friend Sam is having a pizza party and I was wondering if you wanted to come. Meet some new people." I stand there and think about it.

Watch Netflix alone in my apartment, or eat with my neighbor and his friends. I sigh as I agree to the plan. I grab my phone and keys so I could lock my door. "Should I be nervous?" I ask as we walk down the hallway.

He looked down at me and smiled. "They'll love you once they get to know you. Trust me." He slung his arm around me which scared me at first, but I let it happen.

We got to his apartment, which was on the other side of Colby's, and he casually opened the door. "Colby!" I heard people cheer. I follow behind him, scared of all the new people. "Guys, this is my neighbor and friend, Vee. I hope you don't mind she came." He said introducing me.

I give a small wave as everyone smiled. "I'm glad you could join us." Sam smiled as Colby went to talk to someone, leaving me by myself. "I just wanna know where you got your hoodie cause it's cute." A girl said walking up to me.

She was super pretty and kinda smallish but still pretty. I look down to see I'm wearing the black vans hoodie that I got from Brandon when we were freshman. "Oh, I got a few years ago but I got it from the vans shop." I smile as she does the same. I didn't wanna mention Brandon just yet.

"It's cute. I'm Tara by the way." She said introducing herself. I look over at Colby to see him laughing at something. "Here, since Colby left you, you can come hang out with me and Jake. Have you met Jake?" She asked grabbing my hand. I shake my head as she takes me to a guy with purple hair.

"Vee, this is Jake." She said introducing us together. After a few minutes, she had introduced me to everyone. There was Kevin and he seemed pretty chill, there was Mike and he had a nice smile, there was Kat who was Sam's girlfriend and she was pretty, and there was Corey from the video. Sam ordered some pizza and while we waited, he turned on a movie.

We watched Austin Powers and it was one of my favorite movies. I was next to Colby and Tara so I felt pretty comfortable. Jake and Tara were pretty close to each other, Sam and Kat were cuddling, while everyone else was spread out.

I couldn't help but feel nice knowing that I was surrounded but other people. Yeah, I don't know them just yet, but they're all nice and funny people. I spent so long being alone, I forgot what it was like to be surrounded with people.

We spent a couple hours together but I had to go home and get rest for work. "It was nice meeting you." They all said as I say the same thing.

"You too." I smile as I wave off. "Here, let me walk you." Colby jogged over to me as I looked over at him confused. "I'm two apartments down, I'll be fine." I say as he opens the door and waves to everyone.

We walk out into the hallway and walk side by side. "You know you didn't have to walk me, right?" I ask as he sticks his hands in his pocket.

"I know, I was just making sure you had a good time. It seemed like everyone liked you. Especially Tara." He smiled as I did the same.

We got to my door so we stopped in our tracks. "I did, thanks for inviting me." I smile as I stick my key through the door. "It was no problem. I'll see you tomorrow." He waved as he walked off.

Maybe Colby wasn't as much of a douche as I thought he was.

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